Nineteenth-Century American Education Chapter 21
Nineteenth-Century American Education Education during the 19 th century set the ground work for the educational systems currently in place across the country today. There was a shift from religious control to state & government control of American education. The emphasis on universal public education, inclusion of immigrants, compulsory schooling, and tax supported education all influenced the establishment of common schools and higher education institutions. Education during the 19 th century set the ground work for the educational systems currently in place across the country today. There was a shift from religious control to state & government control of American education. The emphasis on universal public education, inclusion of immigrants, compulsory schooling, and tax supported education all influenced the establishment of common schools and higher education institutions.
Universal Education Goal of universal education was to create literate citizens who were responsible individuals that would engage in civil service. This goal included the integration of diverse religious and ethnic groups as a means of establishing national unity and identity. Goal of universal education was to create literate citizens who were responsible individuals that would engage in civil service. This goal included the integration of diverse religious and ethnic groups as a means of establishing national unity and identity.
Universal Education Issues Belief that education was a means of social advancement Belief that education was a means of social advancement Belief in the social control theory- dominant groups would impose their beliefs and values on the lower socioeconomic class Belief in the social control theory- dominant groups would impose their beliefs and values on the lower socioeconomic class Dominant groups shaped curriculum Dominant groups shaped curriculum Property owners opposed paying taxes Property owners opposed paying taxes Culturally diverse populations were afraid of losing their traditions and customs by conforming to common schools Culturally diverse populations were afraid of losing their traditions and customs by conforming to common schools
Common Schools Community institutions of elementary education Community institutions of elementary education Advocates: Mann, Barnard, Carter, Edwards, Owens, & Stevens Advocates: Mann, Barnard, Carter, Edwards, Owens, & Stevens American Lyceum Movement American Lyceum Movement Framework influenced by Prussian elementary school systems & Pestalozzianism Framework influenced by Prussian elementary school systems & Pestalozzianism
American Lyceum Movement Lyceum- origin word Lyceus (location Greece) where Aristotle would lecture and teach his students Lyceum- origin word Lyceus (location Greece) where Aristotle would lecture and teach his students Lyceum Movement- organized adult education forum: lectures, speeches, debates, instruction, dramatic performances Lyceum Movement- organized adult education forum: lectures, speeches, debates, instruction, dramatic performances National American Lyceum organization- Contributed significantly to adult education (new form of popular education); Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry D. Thoreau, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Mark Twain, Emma Hart Willard (supporter of Women’s Education) National American Lyceum organization- Contributed significantly to adult education (new form of popular education); Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry D. Thoreau, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Mark Twain, Emma Hart Willard (supporter of Women’s Education)
American Lyceum Movement
Horace Mann ( ) Father of American common school Father of American common school Educated as a lawyer Educated as a lawyer Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education Secretary of Massachusetts Board of Education Congressman Congressman President of Antioch College President of Antioch College
Mann’s Educational Philosophy Individuals could achieve excellence through reasonable actions & respect for community and laws Individuals could achieve excellence through reasonable actions & respect for community and laws Encouraged upper class to contribute and support common schools Encouraged upper class to contribute and support common schools Influenced by Transcendentalist philosophy- educating the masses for purposes of instilling morals and values and deemphasizing material objects; Supporter of Prussian educational systems Influenced by Transcendentalist philosophy- educating the masses for purposes of instilling morals and values and deemphasizing material objects; Supporter of Prussian educational systems Assimilation of immigrants into common schools Assimilation of immigrants into common schools Common schools should be governed by school boards and the public and should be supported by the state Common schools should be governed by school boards and the public and should be supported by the state
Prussian Education System Compulsory attendance Compulsory attendance National testing National testing National curriculum National curriculum National teacher training National teacher training Mandatory Kindergarten Mandatory Kindergarten Skills for industrialized world & ethics and discipline education Skills for industrialized world & ethics and discipline education education-system education-system education-system education-system
Henry Barnard ( ) Secretary of the State Board of Commissioners of Common Schools in Connecticut Secretary of the State Board of Commissioners of Common Schools in Connecticut Conservative philosophically and politically Conservative philosophically and politically Supporter of economic individualism Supporter of economic individualism Supporter of improving teacher education Supporter of improving teacher education
Common School Legislation Tenth Amendment Constitution- education was decentralized and states were granted authority over educational systems Tenth Amendment Constitution- education was decentralized and states were granted authority over educational systems Allow school districts to function administratively and implement taxes Allow school districts to function administratively and implement taxes Development of school districts & funding Development of school districts & funding Compulsory and tax supported education Compulsory and tax supported education
Secondary Education Latin Grammar Schools- upper preparatory classical curriculum Latin Grammar Schools- upper preparatory classical curriculum Academy Schools- College prep courses, English courses, Teacher education courses (Military, Scientific, Commercial Academies); concerns with curriculum design & lack of universal accreditation system Academy Schools- College prep courses, English courses, Teacher education courses (Military, Scientific, Commercial Academies); concerns with curriculum design & lack of universal accreditation system Academies were replaced by public high schools Academies were replaced by public high schools
Women in the 19 th Century Early 19 th century- role of wife, mother, house keeper Early 19 th century- role of wife, mother, house keeper Childbearing (health concern) & high infant mortality rates concerns for women Childbearing (health concern) & high infant mortality rates concerns for women Late 19 th century- wife, mother, worked outside of home (labor/skilled workers), & consumers Late 19 th century- wife, mother, worked outside of home (labor/skilled workers), & consumers Reform: Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement & Women’s Suffrage Reform: Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement & Women’s Suffrage Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, & Susan B. Anthony Mary Wollstonecraft, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, & Susan B. Anthony
Women and Education in the 19 th Century Public support of education for boys & girls Public support of education for boys & girls Belief- Women should be educated because they raise children & moral companions of men (opposition of college education for women) Belief- Women should be educated because they raise children & moral companions of men (opposition of college education for women) College educated women often did not marry; Women treated unequally in Colleges College educated women often did not marry; Women treated unequally in Colleges Mind set-”The proper education of a man decides the welfare of an individual; but educate a woman, and the interests of a whole family are secured” Catherine Beecher Mind set-”The proper education of a man decides the welfare of an individual; but educate a woman, and the interests of a whole family are secured” Catherine Beecher _etext_index.htm _etext_index.htm _etext_index.htm _etext_index.htm
Initiatives for women The first coeducational college established, Oberlin College, The first coeducational college established, Oberlin College, First all women colleges, (first enduring) Vassar, 1861 and Bryn Mawr, 1880—first graduate school for women. First all women colleges, (first enduring) Vassar, 1861 and Bryn Mawr, 1880—first graduate school for women. Yet in 1850 Antoinette Brown completed theology, but refused degree. (Oberlin) Yet in 1850 Antoinette Brown completed theology, but refused degree. (Oberlin)
Women continued Significant women—a few more renowned: Significant women—a few more renowned: 1840s Elizabeth Blackwell first American woman to receive a medical degree. 1840s Elizabeth Blackwell first American woman to receive a medical degree. South Carolina, Limestone Springs Female High School founded, 1845 “pioneering occurrence in the South.” South Carolina, Limestone Springs Female High School founded, 1845 “pioneering occurrence in the South.” Elizabeth Palmer Peabody first English speaking kindergarten, Boston 1860s. Elizabeth Palmer Peabody first English speaking kindergarten, Boston 1860s. Maria Mitchell, Vassar, first woman admitted American to Academy of Arts and Sciences. Maria Mitchell, Vassar, first woman admitted American to Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Women continued Emma Hart Willard created beginnings of advanced ed for women with Middleburg Seminar for Women, Vermont. Her subsequent essay “A Plan for Female Education” influential in promoting cause of learning for women. Emma Hart Willard created beginnings of advanced ed for women with Middleburg Seminar for Women, Vermont. Her subsequent essay “A Plan for Female Education” influential in promoting cause of learning for women six women elected to school committee by men and are allowed to vote on committee six women elected to school committee by men and are allowed to vote on committee. By 1900 women represent 75 % of teachers By 1900 women represent 75 % of teachers
High Schools High schools emerged as urbanization continued and their curriculum became much more focused on the industrial requirements rather than on the classics. State supported taxation for high schools came under attack in Michigan in High schools emerged as urbanization continued and their curriculum became much more focused on the industrial requirements rather than on the classics. State supported taxation for high schools came under attack in Michigan in 1874.
Colleges Colleges were still following much of the familiar European structure calling for the classics and being primarily for religious purposes through the early portion of the century, but began to change to meet the changing economic, social and industrial requirement, especially with the Morrill acts. Colleges were still following much of the familiar European structure calling for the classics and being primarily for religious purposes through the early portion of the century, but began to change to meet the changing economic, social and industrial requirement, especially with the Morrill acts.
Morrill Acts Provided land the sale/rental of which provided funds for the states to create universities. Provided land the sale/rental of which provided funds for the states to create universities. Morrill Acts-federal government required land grant colleges to provide military training, agricultural, and mechanical training Morrill Acts-federal government required land grant colleges to provide military training, agricultural, and mechanical training 1890 provided same opportunity to create colleges for African Americans provided same opportunity to create colleges for African Americans.
Teacher Education & Normal Schools During the 1830s and 40s normal school, originally two year institutions, were created for educating teachers. They were later expanded to three years and finally emerged as full four year degree granting universities. During the 1830s and 40s normal school, originally two year institutions, were created for educating teachers. They were later expanded to three years and finally emerged as full four year degree granting universities.
African American Ed Milestones 1840s still illegal to teach slaves to read 1840s still illegal to teach slaves to read 1849 Mass refuses Sarah Brown entrance to public school & sets basis for Plessy v Ferguson—1896) 1849 Mass refuses Sarah Brown entrance to public school & sets basis for Plessy v Ferguson—1896) 1850 Cooper Union, NY first to ban admission based on race, religion, or color 1850 Cooper Union, NY first to ban admission based on race, religion, or color 1855 Massachusetts passes anti school segregation law 6 yrs too late for Brown 1855 Massachusetts passes anti school segregation law 6 yrs too late for Brown 1860s AA schools still segregated even in North—rundown buildings etc. 1860s AA schools still segregated even in North—rundown buildings etc.
African American continued 1860s; Several black institutions emerge: Howard University, Morehouse College, Fisk University, and Hampton Institute 1860s; Several black institutions emerge: Howard University, Morehouse College, Fisk University, and Hampton Institute ,000 black children in school in spite of southern efforts ,000 black children in school in spite of southern efforts Spelman College first Black Female Liberal Arts College founded 1881 Spelman College first Black Female Liberal Arts College founded 1883 Booker T. Washington founded Tuskeegee Institute 1883 Booker T. Washington founded Tuskeegee Institute
More African American Fanny Jackson Coppin becomes Head of Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia and trains teachers to work in inferior schools provided for African American students. Fanny Jackson Coppin becomes Head of Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia and trains teachers to work in inferior schools provided for African American students Second Morrill Land Grant Act passed established several Black land grant colleges 1890 Second Morrill Land Grant Act passed established several Black land grant colleges 1896 Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court rules for separate but equal, applied to schools, which remains until Brown v. Board of Education in Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court rules for separate but equal, applied to schools, which remains until Brown v. Board of Education in 1954
Review of events of the 19th century Public elementary schools and high schools established Public elementary schools and high schools established First time in 300 years ABC method not only method for teaching reading First time in 300 years ABC method not only method for teaching reading McGuffey reader introduced and is center of reading into 20 th century McGuffey reader introduced and is center of reading into 20 th century
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