Michigan Asbestos Symposium 2014
You Need to Know…..
THANK YOU Special thank you to the Lansing Area Safety Council for their help with the registration. Michigan State Police Training Academy for hosting this symposium and providing the snacks and lunch.
Who’s Present MIOSHA Staff (Asbestos Program, CET, etc.) NESHAP Asbestos Program Staff Consultants Asbestos Training Providers Asbestos Abatement Contractors Demolition/Renovation Contractors Other Interested Parties
Agenda 8:30 Registration 9:00 Introduction 9:10 Welcome 9:25 MIOSHA Asbestos Program Update 9:45 NESHAP Asbestos Program Update 10:15 MIOSHA Asbestos Enforcement Program 11:15 Lunch 12:15 Online Services: Past, Present and Future 12:45 Break 1:00 Demolition and Renovation 2:30 Questions & Answers 3:20 Wrap-Up & Adjournment