Ptolemaic System (Middle Ages) geocentric -Earth center of universe 10 Spheres- God controlled Nicolas Copernicus universe –heliocentric (sun centered) Earth Rotated(axis) Johannes Kepler laws of planetary motion-elliptical orbits Galileo telescope -Planets not orbs of light-solid Newton Universal Law of Gravitation
William Harvey & Andreas Vesalius Dissected people Harvey - Heart- beginning of blood circulation Vesalius- identified organs
Robert Boyle Boyle’s law Gas volume varies with pressure Antoine Lavoisier Founder of modern Chemistry invented naming chemical elements
Margaret Cavendish (philosopher) humans cannot master nature through science Maria Winkelmann discovered a comet
Rene Descartes Father of Rationalism Reason = Knowledge (ability to think & conclude) “I think. Therefore I am.” His existence
Francis Bacon. Scientific method- systematic procedure for collecting & analyzing evidence.
Sun-centered model of the universe Heliocentric He developed laws of planetary motion Kepler His observations suggested that planets had substance. Galileo
Francis Bacon, who developed the scientific method, was also what? Philosopher This included a systematic procedure, based on collecting and analyzing evidence, and crucial to the evolution of science. Scientific method
Egg-shaped Elliptical Law of universal attraction Gravity Proceeding from the particular to the general is called what? Inductive reasoning
Rene Descartes believed in one absolute truth, which was? His own existence Rationalism is the belief that reason is the chief source of what? knowledge