8/13/20151 Alligator Eats the BIG Number Antoinette Mia Pettis
8/13/20152 Hi! My name is Ivan and I am 12 years old! I like numbers; do you?
8/13/20153 My little brother DeSean, who is 5, does not like numbers. He doesn’t know how to compare numbers. Can you help him?
8/13/20154 DeSean really likes Alligators! So I was thinking we could use Alligators to help him compare numbers.
8/13/20155 < This is the less than sign. > This is the greater than sign. = This is the equal to sign. See how the look like an Alligator’s mouth? < This is the less than sign. > This is the greater than sign. = This is the equal to sign. See how the look like an Alligator’s mouth?
8/13/20156 The Alligator’s mouth needs to eat the big number. For example: 3 < 9 The Alligator’s mouth needs to eat the big number. For example: 3 < 9 See how the sign faces the BIG NUMBER.
8/13/20157 To help us remember which way the signs face we will use the saying “Alligator eats the BIG NUMBER!”
8/13/20158 If the numbers are the same we use the = sign. For example: 5=5 If the numbers are the same we use the = sign. For example: 5=5
8/13/20159 Let’s do a few problems together to see if you and DeSean understand.
8/13/ ___ 8 Which sign do we use? 2 ___ 8 Which sign do we use?
8/13/ < 8 Right! We do use the Less than sign because the Alligator eats the BIG NUMBER! 2 < 8 Right! We do use the Less than sign because the Alligator eats the BIG NUMBER!
8/13/ ____ 1 What do we use now? 9 ____ 1 What do we use now?
8/13/ > 1 Yes! You got it. We use the greater than sign because…the Alligator eats the BIG NUMBER! 9 > 1 Yes! You got it. We use the greater than sign because…the Alligator eats the BIG NUMBER!
8/13/ ____ 6 What about these two numbers? 6 ____ 6 What about these two numbers?
8/13/ = 6 Great job. We use the equal to sign because the numbers are the SAME. 6 = 6 Great job. We use the equal to sign because the numbers are the SAME.
8/13/ I think DeSean understands comparisons now. Thank you so much for helping!
8/13/ TEKS (1.1) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses whole numbers to describe and compare quantities. (1 st Grade) The student is expected to: (A) compare and order whole numbers up to 99 (less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models. (1.1) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student uses whole numbers to describe and compare quantities. (1 st Grade) The student is expected to: (A) compare and order whole numbers up to 99 (less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of concrete objects and pictorial models.