OSH professionals in European countries: an overview Andrew Hale Chairman Certification Committee ENSHPO Emeritus professor TU Delft, Netherlands Chairman: HASTAM, UK Occupational Health & Safety across the borders in the EU. 11 October Copenhagen
A little history as context First safety professionals UK inspectors of factories - machinery guarding 1844 First industry safety staff. Safety First movement (USA/UK) 1920s National safety professional associations 1940s National regulation of entry & training requirements
Is safety a profession? Agreed & exclusive area of work (Occ health, Occ hygiene, Ergonomics, etc.) Agreed body of knowledge (competence) Regulated entry to profession and training at university level Support from system actors Code of conduct & ethics
A little more history as context University course content comparisons 1970s F, D, GB, B, NL ISSA/ENSHPO comparative studies of regulatory & qualification schemes, role & training content 1980s repeated 2011 by IOSH for EUSafe Safety professional as generalist 2 levels: manager EQF6/7, technician EQF 4/5
Regulation and certification European Union: Free movement of goods, people and services. National Standards as barriers to movement National certification by: Government regulation Professional association registration Third party certification (and accreditation)
Professional progress in 40 years in 29 EU & EEA countries (EUSafe) 16 require safety professionals by law, 15 specify training by regulations ‘Good practice’ ensures expanding profession even without legal requirement University level (EQF 6/7) courses in 20 countries All countries have courses at EQF level 4/5
CountryRegulated Profession EQF6/7 training specified by law EQF 6/7 courses EQF 4/5 training specified by law Austria√√ Belgium√√√√ Cyprus√√ Czech Republic√√√ Denmark Estonia√ Finland France√ Germany√√√ Greece√√ Hungary√√√ Iceland Ireland√ Italy√√√ Latvia√√√
CountryRegulated Profession Regulated training 6/7 EQF 6/7 courses Regulated training 4/5 Lithuania Luxemburg√√ Malta√ Netherlands√√ Norway√√ Poland√ Portugal√√√√ Romania√ Slovakia√√ Slovenia√√√ Spain√√√√ Sweden√ Switzerland√√√√ United Kingdom√