The Learning Designer: Building Community Knowledge Linking with MirandaNet and Handson ICT
Browse Adopt Adapt Create Self review Redesign Test with students Publish The design cycle for teaching Building teaching community knowledge Make links to existing content resources Build on others’ tested designs Contribute to community knowledge Extract learning analytics data from their technology- based study
Browse Adopt Adapt Create Review RedesignTestPublish Similar to the design cycle for science Building scientific knowledge What is the teaching design equivalent of the journal paper?
The Learning Designer: Browse “Teachers find learning activities, ICT tools, content and communities of practice”
The Learning Designer: Adopt (interpreting Tudor portraits) Details of: learning context, topic, aims, outcomes, student numbers, duration Structured details of the pedagogy: sequence, types of learning activity, group size, teacher presence, attached urls, duration, student guidance Analysis of the learning experience calculated dynamically Sharing a pedagogical model
The Learning Designer: Adapt (experimental design for Psychology) Note the designed time is much greater than the allotted time Every section of the learning design can be edited, and new resources attached Contextualising a pedagogical model Export to Moodle or Word Share to submit for review
Reviewing a learning design Type in your review, using these criteria: 1 Test? - is there a ‘Produce’ activity, or some way the teacher can use to test whether outcomes are met? 2 Aligned? - are outcome, activities, and produce activity aligned? 3 Feedback? – is there feedback from the teacher, other students, or the technology? 4 Technology? - is there good use of technology? 5 Other? Peer ‘mentoring’ to develop community knowledge
The Learning Designer: Review (Business planning for engineers) Reviewer adds comments in terms of criteria Test of outcome? Alignment? Feedback? Technology? Reviewer Feedback
The Learning Designer Review Criteria Quality of Assessment Can the teacher test whether learning outcomes are met? The 'Produce' learning activity type – students produce something from what they have learned – is the 'assessment' the teacher can use to judge whether the intended outcomes have been met. Affirmative There are ample opportunities to get a perspective on learner understanding with the peer and tutor feedback. The peer critique is a great feature of this unit. Constructive critique The final product (the branded image) could be also discussed so that you and others can see whether the ideas discussed earlier were applied along with the rubric.
The Learning Designer Review Criteria Student motivation Are the learning activities designed to motivate students? Several reviewers address this issue Business Planning for Engineers I wonder if the critiques will be rather difficult to differentiate if all groups work on the same video? … I wondered if more interest might be created through the use of several different video case studies. I realise this may have repercussions on grading and generic rubrics. Personal Branding Short videos create a sense of dynamics and inspiration. In my opinion it is a very strong point of your design… It is a nice spark, brief and energetic… are aligned with the final goal and a bit of fun
Browse Adopt Adapt Create Review RedesignTestPublish Teaching as a design cycle Building community knowledge of learning technology Question: What is the teaching design equivalent of the journal paper? Answer: A learning design that can be reviewed, adapted, improved, published, reused… As in the Handson ICT community?
The International Learning Design Challenge will begin at UTC/GMT Professor Diana LaurillardDr. Patricia Charlton Dr. Eileen Kennedy Joanna Wild Dionisis Dimakopoulos #LDChallenge Developing the community
#LDChallenge Building the community
Monday’s activities “Teachers will have the support of a mentor, before, during and after their teaching, so that they will be able to plan, implement and reflect on the new practices with guidance of an expert”
Our Challenges 1. Improving the online group discussion learning experience 2. Scaling up assessment 3. Cross-curriculum activities
What’s your Challenge?
At Brainstorming the shared community challenges
Your next 4 days Monday/Tuesday – Watch ‘Learning Designer Tutorials’ – Read through ‘Guidance on Learning Types’ – Read through ‘Brief Introduction to Learning Design’ – Create your designs in the Learning Designer tool Wednesday – Finish and submit your design – Select someone else’s design to review Thursday – Finish reviewing – Reflect on your design in the light of any feedback Friday – Post URL for your design to the LDChallenge Padlet wall – Post comments on designs, tools, resources, and process to Padlet – Complete survey – Get your badge Building community knowledge
Teaching as a Design Science: Building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology (Routledge, 2012) Further details…