Native American Origin Myths
Beginnings Historical Background By 1492 North America was populated with several hundred tribes of Native Americans. – –In North America 30x longer than Europeans – –Widely dispersed across North America – –A variety of languages, governments, social organizations, customs, religions, diets, housing, and methods of survival
The Onondaga From modern day New York area One of the 5 original members of the Iroquois Confederation Lived in villages of wood and bark longhouses Peaceful people Known for lacrosse- a game played with a hand-held basket and a ball Currently Onondaga still live in the area on a reservation
Modoc Lived in villages in Oregon and Northern California Hunted, farmed, and fished Known for skilled weaving Warrior culture When forced onto a reservation by US government, a band rebelled under a sub- chief known as Captain Jack
Navajo Lived in the southwest Fierce warriors and hunters Intermarried with the peaceful Pueblo who taught them to weave and farm Today the Navajo nation is the largest Native American nation in the US with over 100,000 members Currently live on Navajo reservation across Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico Known for valuable contribution as “code talkers” in WWII
Iroquois Powerful nation An alliance of Iroquoian speaking tribes: – –Mohawk – – Oneida – –Seneca – –Cayuga – –Onondaga Had a developed democratic government with elected leaders Iroquois tribes still exist today
Oral Tradition The stories that are passed down from generation to generation in a culture without written language. Stories and songs capture a culture’s – –ideals – –values – –concerns – –history – –fears
Origin Myths Stories that meet the needs of a culture to explain – –The origin or beginning of elements of the natural world Humans and animals Tribes The Earth Oceans Mountains
Origin Myths Customs, institutions, or religious rites Marriage ceremonies Religious/spiritual practices Coming of age ceremonies
Origin Myths Events beyond human control – –Weather – –Natural disasters Tornadoes Volcanoes Earthquakes – –The Ocean – –Birth and death
Origin Myths Origin myths often teach a moral lesson – –Obey your parents – –Don’t go out in the dark by yourself – –Keep trying and don’t give up
Cultural Details Origin myths include details that identify the culture’s values and way of life – –The importance of dreams as a message – –Marriage customs – –Method of survival Farming Hunting – –Environmental influences Valuable animals Natural resources (mountains, ocean, plants)