2005 WDL Scholar
Development of a Jamaican Deaf Advocacy Organization Rian Gayle Business Administration Progress Report for WDL Project
RIAN ANTHONY GAYLE Born in Kingston, Jamaica. Grew up in a hearing world. Became Deaf at age 3. Graduated from High School in Graduated in 2002 from Mount Aloysius College in USA with an AA Degree, Magnum Cum in USA with an AA Degree, Magnum Cum Laude, in Computer & Business. Laude, in Computer & Business. Worked in the Insurance industry for 3 Years.
Community Involvement D ance group S ports P resident of the Kingston Deaf Club B oard of Directors for CDA (Combined Disabilities Association) R epresented Jamaican Deaf Community at the Disabled People International Congress in 2004.
The Jamaican Deaf Community Jamaica’s population is 2.7 million. 200,000 are deaf, but only few are involved in Deaf culture. Has less than 9 deaf institution. The Deaf are not allowed to drive. Jobs are hard to find, because the deaf community is very underexposed. Not much exposure. Only 2% or less have a well paid job.
Deaf Community Cont’d Jamaican Associate for the Deaf is the only company that carters to the Deaf but their main focus is hearing assessment. It is operated by mainly hearing persons. The high school dropouts numbers are very high. Only 4 deaf clubs existed to provide socialization for the deaf. Interpretation, Technology, and Deaf services are scared.
Jamaica Deaf Advocate Kingston, Jamaica. The Jamaica Deaf Advocate (JDA) was formed in Six deaf founding members led by Rian Gayle Founded out of concern for the reputation of the Deaf Community. Develop a plan to put the Deaf Community back on track.
Making changes through the Community The project will tackle communities where the deaf population is high, because that’s where the most pressing problems existing like unemployment, crime, lacking education, interpretation services among others. The project will aim at pulling members age 16 and up, together, to social, host fundraising events and keep monthly seminars to educate members about various aspects of life.
Project Cont’d GOALS: Enhance basic job search skills. Enhance basic job search skills. Motivate interest in higher education pursuits. Motivate interest in higher education pursuits. Foster a sense of community with the hearing public. Foster a sense of community with the hearing public. Build self-esteem. Build self-esteem. Agitate for interpreting services and more inclusive opportunities. Agitate for interpreting services and more inclusive opportunities. Seek to raise funds to provide financial aid for education and small business-start up. Seek to raise funds to provide financial aid for education and small business-start up. Provide entertainment opportunities for the deaf. Provide entertainment opportunities for the deaf. Link with other Deaf Communities across the globe to foster and international relationship. Link with other Deaf Communities across the globe to foster and international relationship.
Summer Internship 2006 Visited Deaf schools, communities and Deaf organizations. organizations. Presented about my project. Collected and updated information about the progress of the deaf community. progress of the deaf community. Conducted surveys. Sought new members.
Internship (Cont’d) Gave a 10 – 15 minutes presentation, about my project, its aim, benefits and who it is for. Conducted a survey to document the opinions of Deaf Jamaicans about: 1) Jobs 2) Education 3) Crime and Violence 4) Interpretating services in Jamaica.
Results of Survey Visited 7 Different deaf communities across Jamaica. Over 90 percents of the person surveyed, agreed that Legal rights for the deaf in Jamaica need to be changed. The legal right is out-of-date and reflects the needs of persons with Disabilities as a whole, and not Deaf, some important deaf needs are not emphasized in the Rights.
Results Cont’d Over 80 percents believed that gaining more advanced education, will be the solution to unemployment. They believed they are not employed because the boss have little faith in their education or ability to do the job, Which could be look at, as discrimination also. Another pressing problem is that, there is not enough well-trained interpreters and its too expensive to get one.
What the Results mean? The results mean we would have to draft a proper right for the deaf community and pressure the Government to make it Legal. Train more interpreters through community involvement, Raise enough funds to provide the proper education for the deaf which would enabled them to find better jobs and the bosses to have confidence in them.
Impact of Internship Welcomed by the Deaf community. Deaf look forward to implementation. Deaf community vowed support. Disseminated information about Helped the deaf community with a project of their own to promote HIV/AIDS and hygiene their own to promote HIV/AIDS and hygiene awareness. awareness.
My sincere appreciation Dr. I. King Jordan Dr. Jane Fernandes Catherine Sweet-Windham Nippon Foundation Associate Dean Eileen Matthews WDL Committee Members Dr. Howard Francis, Mentor Dr. Isaac Agboola, Mentor
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