Personal Devotion Christianity
Prayer Traditionally used to develop a closer relationship with God The Bible contains many examples of Jesus praying in solitude Prayer means to entreat or request Prayer connects the heart, mind and will to God in words, song, thought or wordless silence (contemplation)
Prayer Prayer is an act of faith which consists in asking for proper gifts or graces from God Prayer does not have to be external or vocal Prayer may be acts of praise and thanksgiving, but petition is the principal act of prayer
The essential elements… The object of prayer must be worthy of God and good for the one who prays. A willingness to be humble and sincere in prayer is essential. As is the need to conform to God’s will
Types of Prayer Vocal prayer Vocal prayer Mental prayer Mental prayer Private & public prayer Private & public prayer
Prayer Prayer can be accompanied by certain postures, dependent on culture and tradition e.g. - standing with arms raised - bowed heads - eyes raised to heaven - beating the chest - kneeling - prostration
Vocal Prayer Uses verbal expression to accompany the internal act of prayer The vocal actions helps to keep the person attentive in prayer and adds to its intensity May use set prayers of hymns or it may consist of personal praise, thanks and petition
Mental Prayer Meditation is a form of mental prayer It is the application of the soul, intellect, imagination, memory and will to the contemplation of some Biblical mystery or truth in order to enhance one’s spirituality in order to approach closer unity with the divine
Private and Public Prayer The main distinction is that the prayer of the individual, whether in or out of the presence of others is for personal or for others’ needs, while all prayer offered officially or liturgically is public and usually offered in churches or chapels
Public Prayer Special times of the day, week and year are appointed for public prayer However, private prayer is possible during time set aside for public prayer
Public Prayer - Sacraments The Sacraments are special rituals or rites of passage that bring God and spiritual blessings more into