E-government in Russia For effective interaction of citizens and govermnemt Dmitrij Gurtov, Director of the Department for regional development of project “Informational Society” Rostelekom
Rostelekom 1.The largest info- communication operator in Russia 2.A single national operator of e-government infrastructure 3.A single performer of works on creation and operation of e-government infrastructure 4.Provider of telecommunication services for state authorities at all levels 5.Operator with the largest and the only secure backbone network of the country 6.A company with strong engineering and computing infrastructure based on network of data centers across the country 7.The largest domestic company with more than professional employees
Formation of E-government Priorities for 2010: e-government infrastructure architecture design creation of infrastructure development of common rules for the functioning of the infrastructure and electronic interaction of information systems implementation of pilot regional projects
Electronic government. Architecture Banks and commercial organizations Citizens, business, foreign people The system of inter-electron interaction Federal IS Federal segment Local ISRegional IS Regional segment government services portal Access infrastructure 3
Electronic government in Regions state application systems commercial application systems Infrastructure of E-government investments complex service of E- government regional authorities and local government Ministry of Communications non-exclusive rights Software developers non-exclusive rights
Formation of E-government 2011: establishment of regional infrastructure segments formation of a national "cloud" platform implementation of local pilots formation of the "application services store," and the provision of services by the Saas model
Infrastructure of E-government Federal segment 7 КЦОД access point IP/MPLS Regional segment Regional and local information systems - reserved -purified from DDOS Mb/s - reserved - protected -guaranteed delivery - 1 Gb/s - secure - guaranteed delivery Мбит/с - secure - guaranteed delivery - 10 Mb/s IS Internet
collective processing center Federal portal of government services Information systems of the regional executive authorities Regional reestrs Single private office Infrastructure Payment and information gateways The system of inter- electron interaction Single system of information System performan ce regulations Regional portal of government services EDS Storing qu ery results and perfor mance of regional services 7
Ensure the provision of services in electronic form: integration, application services RIEP Regional data centers Federal Data Center Applied IS
Users: number of visits to the Portal: more than 80 million people activated Personal office: nearly 1 million people Services: The Portal contains services, including: Federalservices: 859 Regional services: Local services: Other services: services are provided in electronic form, including: Federal : 90 Regional: 59 By 2015 all government services will be transferred into electronic form Portal of government services
Results 1.nearly 1 million people are now authorized users of the portal. During 2010 there were more than 80 million visits. 2.Signed strategic partnership agreements with 77 entities of the Russian Federation. 3.Regional Infrastructure segment expanded to 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. 4.For all regions provided the technological readiness to implement inter-electron interaction - the deployment of e-government infrastructure segments and their subsequent integration with the federal level infomats established in 23 regions of Russia, until the end of 2015 will be installed infomats. 6.Issuing Centre opened 4 EDS Moscow + 1 in St. Petersburg- based TSPOK"Rostelecom". 7.Until the end of 2011 will open 1600 centers in 80 regions of Russia.