Changes In Medical Technology By Tyrone Hettig
The Black Plague
The black plague originally came from China
the plague continued to return to Europe every few years to the end of the 15 th century
Doctors wore masks and suits to protect them from the plague.
The last person to die in the plague was Professor Malcolm Casadaban Professor Malcolm Cassadaban
The only person who found the cause of the plague was Alexander Yersin ALEXANDRE YERSIN
The x-ray was discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in the year WILHELM CONRAD ROENTGEN
X-rays are called x- rays because of it’s unknown nature.
X-rays help doctors view the inside of a body.
An x-ray is also good for finding weak spots in metals
Immunisation is an act of immune.
Immunisation wipes out diseases.
Immunisation protects people against harmful infections.
Immunisation takes around 2 weeks to work.
Raymond Vahan was the inventor of the MRI Machine.
MRI Machines are very powerful tools.
MRI Machines were developed in the 1980 ’s