Educational Gaming What, Why, and Where it Goes From Here
What is Educational Gaming
Not For Our Context Digital Game Based Learning Motivates Instant Assessment Single Player
So We’re Good?
What Type of Game?
Just About Every Game?
Games Created to Educate?
Non Edutainment Games?
Which is the Best Pursuit?
Somewhere in the middle
And With That… Games and Education Scholar James Paul Gee on Video Games, Learning, and Literacy Games and Education Scholar James Paul Gee on Video Games, Learning, and Literacy
Important Takeaways All games teach! Self evaluating
Where is the Revolution?
The Data Just isn’t There “For all of the enthusiasm around games and learning, very few studies have examined whether video games improve classroom performance and academic achievement.” Emma Blakey, PhD Researcher in Developmental Psychology. – Sept 2014
Advancements and trends in digital game-based learning research: a review of publications in selected journals from 2001 to 2010 G.J. Hwang and P.H. Wu 137 Articles Published on Digital Game Based Learning (DGBM) Among 7 Major Journals
Results: Sample groups selected for DGBL studies from 2001 to 2010 Research learning domains selected from 2001 to 2010
What’s This Mean? Research on the use of educational gaming to teach sciences to high school students? Out of 137 studies, the unspecified set intersecting the 23 high school focused articles, and 14 science education based articles.
Non Uniform Subject Teaching a First Grader English ≠ Teaching College Students Science
Subtopics Design (frameworks, requirements), testing, efficacy, adaptivity, etcetera Suggested topic of future research Efficacy CUBED
What Do We Care About as Software Engineers
Requirements Expert Knowledge Enumerating those requirements How do you specify that something must be educational in a useful way? How do you create fun?
Testing Similar to above How do you test efficacy of software (including long term educational outcome)? How do you test for fun?
More Videos! The Best Computer Education Games For Children Ever Dora
Hmm… Video Games and Learning
Tangential Learning Learning through exposure to educational content in media you are already engaged in.
Research Focus Better integration of entertaining content into educational gaming
Closing Thought Not a Panacea
Questions: What do you think are the 3 most important reasons that Digital Game Based Learning may be effective? In the context of Software Engineering, what are two of the greatest challenges facing Digital Game Based Learning research? When working on an Digital Game Based Learning project, is it better to focus on making the content entertaining first, educational first, or should both be focused on simultaneously, and why?