PKA Signalling PKA T197 PDK1 cAMP
Ret S21S696S9S153 S23 S36 S364 S21 CSK PKA T197 AurA T288 BRSK2 T260 GRK1MST3 T18 GRK7PCTAIRE1Raf1 GSK3 GSK3 S43 S259 S621 T108 CaMKK1PDK1 cAMP smMLCK S815 PKA Signalling
smMLCK S815 HePTPPTPN12 S39S44T260 PPP1R14APPP1R1A Ret S21S696S9S153 S23 S36 S364 S21 CSK PKA T197 AurA T288 BRSK2 T260 GRK1MST3 T18 GRK7PCTAIRE1Raf1 GSK3 GSK3 T38T75 S43 S259 S621 T108 CaMKK1PDK1 cAMP PKA Signalling
smMLCK S815 T108 T309 HePTPPTPN12 S39S44T260 PPP1R14APPP1R1APTPN12CREBATF2 S44 5-LOPI3KR1 Ret S21S696S9S153 S23 S36 S364 S21 CSK PDK1 PKA T197 AurA T288 BRSK2 T260 GRK1MST3 T18 GRK7PCTAIRE1Raf1 GSK3 GSK3 T38T75 S83 S43 S259 S621 S133 ANP R S523S529 PIP5K1B S214 cAMP eNOSGLPD1 S1177 Na,K-ATPase 1 S943 CaMKK1PDE5A S106
Substrate Short Name Substrate Full NameProteinTypeSubstrate Swissprot Phospho- site Effect of Phosphorylation Kinase Affecting All Kinases Affecting Phosphatase Affecting 5-LOAarachidonate 5- lipoxygenase EnzymeP09917S523Phosphorylation inhibits 5-LO activity PKACa ANP-alpha RAtrial natriuretic peptide A- type receptor Guanylyl cyclase; Protein kinaseProtein- serine kinase (receptor, RGC group, RGC family P16066S529Phosphorylation activates guanylate cyclase activity. PKACa ATF2Activating transcription factor-2 Transcription proteinP15336S44Phosphorylation activates transcriptional activity. PKACaVRK1 (human vaccinia virus- related kinase 1), PKACa Aurora-AAurora-family kinase 1Protein-serine kinase, Other group, AUR family O14965T288Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPAK1, PKACa, AurA PPP1CA BRSK2BR serine/threonine- protein kinase 2 Protein-serine kinase, CAMK group, CAMKL family, BRSK subfamily Q8IWQ3T260Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity. PKACa CaMKK1Calcium/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase 1 alpha Protein-serine kinase, Other group, CAMKK family, Meta subfamily Q8N5S9T108Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPKACa, CaMK1 CREBcAMP response element- binding protein Transcription proteinP16220S133Phosphorylation increases transcriptional activity. PKACaPKACa, RSK1, RSK2, RSK3, MSK1, CaMK1- alpha, CaMK2- alpha, CaMK4 CskC-terminus of Src kinaseProtein-tyrosine kinase, TK group, Csk family P41240S364Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity via SH3 domain of Csk. PKACa eNOSEndothelial nitric oxide synthetase SynthetaseP29474S1177Phosphorylation increases enzymatic activity of eNOS. PKACaPKACa, PKBa/Akt1, PKG1 ER81 ETS transcription factor ETS translocation variant 1 Transcription proteinP50549S191Phosphorylation activates transcriptional activity. PKACaRSK1, PKACa ER81 ETS transcription factor ETS translocation variant 1 Transcription proteinP50549S216Phosphorylation activates transcriptional activity. PKACaRSK1, PKACa PKA Signalling
Substrate Short Name Substrate Full NameProteinTypeSubstrate Swissprot Phospho- site Effect of Phosphorylation Kinase Affecting All Kinases Affecting Phosphatase Affecting GPLD1Phosphatidylinositol- glycan-specific phospholipase D PhospholipaseP80108T309Phosphorylation inhibits enzymatic activity. PKACa GRK1G protein-coupled receptor kinase 1 Protein-serine kinase, AGC group, GRK family, GRK subfamily Q15835S21Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACa GRK7G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7 Protein-serine kinase, AGC group, GRK family, GRK subfamily Q8WTQ7S23Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACa GRK7G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7 Protein-serine kinase, AGC group, GRK family, GRK subfamily Q8WTQ7S36Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACa GSK3-alphaGlycogen synthase kinase- 3 alpha Protein-serine kinase, CMGC group, GSK family P49840S21Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPKBa/Akt1, PKACa, PKCa, PKCb, PKCd, PKCg, PKCh, PKCz, RSK2 GSK3-betaGlycogen synthase kinase- 3 beta Protein-serine kinase, CMGC group, GSK family P49841S9Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPKBa/Akt1, KHS1, p70S6K, PKACa, PKCa, PKCb, PKCd, PKCg, PKCh, PKCz, RSK1, RSK2 PPP1CA HePTPHematopoietic protein- tyrosine phosphatase Protein-tyrosine phosphatase P35236S44Phosphorylation inhibits interaction with ERK2. PKACa PPP1CA hnRNP-A1RNA binding proteinP09651S199Phosphorylation inhibits hnRNP A1 activity. PKACaCK2-A1, PKACa, PKBa/Akt1 MST3Mammalian STE20-like protein kinase 3 Protein-serine kinase, STE group, STE20 family, YSK subfamily Q9Y6E0T18Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity. PKACa Na,K-ATPase alpha(1) subunit Enzyme, hydrolaseP05023S943Phosphorylation inhibits its enzyme activity. PKACa PCTAIRE1PCTAIRE-motif protein kinase 1 Protein-serine kinase, CMGC group, CDK family, TAIRE subfamily Q00536S153Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACa PKA Signalling
Substrate Short Name Substrate Full NameProteinTypeSubstrate Swissprot Phospho- site Effect of Phosphorylation Kinase Affecting All Kinases Affecting Phosphatase Affecting PDE5AcGMP phosphodiesterase 5 PhosphodiesteraseO76074S106Phosphorylation increases phosphodiesterase activity. PKACaPKACa, PKG1PPP1CA PIK3R1Phosphatidylinositol 3- kinase regulatory alpha subunit Regulator, inositol phosphate metabolism P27986S83Phosphorylation increases enzymatic activity and interaction with ER-alpha, H-Ras-1 and PKAR2B. PKACa PIP5K1BPhosphatidylinositol-4- phosphate 5-kinase, type I, beta Kinase, lipid, inositol phosphate metabolism O14986S214Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACa PPP1CA PKACalphacAMP-dependent protein kinase alpha catalytic subunit Protein-serine kinase, AGC group, PKA family P17612T197Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPDK1, PKACa PPP1R14AProtein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 14A Protein-serine phosphatase inhibitor Q96A00T38Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACaILK, PKACa, PKCa, PKCd, PKCd, PKCe, PKCz, PKD1, ROCK2, PAK, PKN, CaMK2 PPP2CA PPP1R1AProtein phosphatase inhibitor 1 Protein phosphatase inhibitor protein Q13522T75Phosphorylation induces activation of the inhibitory activity of this protein towards PPP1CA. PKACaPKACa, PKCA PTPN12Protein-tyrosine phosphatase, non- receptor type 12 Protein-tyrosine phosphatase Q05209S39Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity. PKACaPKACa, PKCa Raf1Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase Protein-serine kinase, TKL group, Raf family P04049S259Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity, reduces H-Ras- 1 and PPP2CB binding, and induces binding of beta and zeta. It appears to necessary for PKC-alpha activation of Raf1. PKACa PPP2CB PKA Signalling
Substrate Short Name Substrate Full NameProteinTypeSubstrate Swissprot Phospho- site Effect of Phosphorylation Kinase Affecting All Kinases Affecting Phosphatase Affecting Raf1Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase Protein-serine kinase, TKL group, Raf family P04049S621Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity and induces interaction with zeta. PKACaPKACa, Raf1 Raf1Raf proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase Protein-serine kinase, TKL group, Raf family P04049S43Phosphorylation inhibits phosphotransferase activity, inhibits interaction with H-Ras-1 and induces binding of beta. PKACaPKCa, PKACa RetProto-oncogene ret receptor-tyrosine kinase for GDNF Protein-tyrosine kinase (receptor), TK group, Ret family P07949S696Phosphorylation increases phosphotransferase activity. Phosphorylation promotes lamellipodia formation of neuronal cells. PKACa smMLCKMyosin light chain kinase, smooth muscle and non- muscle isozymes Protein-serine kinase, CAMK group, MLCK family Q15746S815Phosphorylation inhibits the calmodulin- dependent activity due to a decrease in the affinity for calmodulin PKACaCaMK2, PKACa, smMLCK PKA Signalling