Sir Gawain and the Green Knight & Le Morte D’Arthur


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Presentation transcript:

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight & Le Morte D’Arthur Medieval Romances Sir Gawain and the Green Knight & Le Morte D’Arthur

Characteristics of a Medieval Romance Convey a sense of the supernatural Mystery and suspense Glamorous portrayal of castle life Chivalric ideals: character guided by bravery, honor, courtesy, fairness to enemies, respect for women

Characteristics of a Medieval Romance Heroic adventures Setting is often imaginary/vague Concealed identities/disguises Damsels in distress

The Romantic Hero Birth is often mysterious Either away from his true home or does not know his parents True identity is often unknown at first Faces extraordinary challenges Triumphs and victories benefit a nation or group

Romantic Heroes vs. Epic Heroes Supernatural elements Heroic adventures  epic quests Extraordinary challenges Victories benefit groups of people/nations

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain: king Arthur’s nephew and one of the bravest Knights of the Round Table Follows the code of chivalry Story highlights Gawain’s flaw: his fear of death causes him to break the code of chivalry Appearances vs. reality: Gawain appears to be chivalrous and honest, but is neither when faced with death

Background ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ begins with a New Year’s Eve feast at Camelot Dinner is interrupted by a giant green knight with an ax The Green Knight rides into the hall on a green horse and issues a challenge He will allow whomever accepts the challenge to strike him with his own axe, on the condition that the challenger find him in exactly one year to receive a blow in return