Art Nouveau Lesson 5
Art Nouveau Today’s learning focus is: How to use the assessment objectives to reflect on your work so far. Working to tight deadlines. c&feature=relmfu c&feature=relmfu
Art Nouveau Today you have a series of very short deadlines. You will need to assess your work as it is. You will need to make improvements. You will need to present your ideas for your clay work. Your presentation needs to take account of AO2.
Art Nouveau You Must: Find out what AO2 is asking for. Assess another pupils work. Focus on AO2. Give a score out of 20. Suggest what the pupil needs to do to meet the deadline and improve their grade. You Should: Continue to refine your ideas ready for clay trials next lesson. You Could: Add additional drawings of natural forms associated with Art Nouveau. Present your work if asked.