Levant & Partners Law Firm successfully renders a wide range of legal services to clients who have business activity in the Russian Federation and abroad. The main areas of Levant & Partners Law Firm practice include: Intellectual Property, Corporate Matters, M&A, Foreign Investments, Tax Law, Dispute Resolution, Real Estate & Land Law and Labor Law. The Law Firm partners started their career within the state structures as state servants. They continue to maintain contacts with the state authorities of various levels and are focused on further cooperation. This enables to lobby the clients` interests if required. The basic principle of work with clients is strict confidentiality. The Firm
Our History Levant & Partners Law Firm was founded in 2004 by Matvey Levant and Valeriy Narezhniy. At the very beginning of Law Firm work the perspectives were uncertain. Nevertheless such qualities of team as enthusiasm, youth and great desire to work helped to overcome the first difficulties and problems. The pattern of original New York office was what helped the Law Firm to make its work effective. One year later the Firm became international law firm specializing in international law and international private law. Now the growing practice experience enables the Law Firm to attract more clients and guarantee high quality of legal services. Throughout the years the team was assembled from professionals specializing in various fields of law, the new office began to work, Russian and oversea contacts were expanded and areas of practice were increased. The Firm is success- oriented and is intended to develop its professionalism and perfect the quality of legal services.
Mission Legal support of your business in any country of the world. Appeal to us – your right. Defend your rights – our duty. Values, or how lawyers do it… We work with appeal and achieve maximum result in any case. Lawyers do it with appeal. We do all what is possible within the Law. Lawyers do it unless it is prohibited by the law. We guarantee privacy for our clients. Lawyers do it confidentially. We look toward the triumph of justice. Lawyers do it until justice prevails.
Principles “One-step-shop” is the fundamental principle of Levant & Partners Law Firm. That was made available due to partnership with international firms and membership in various international associations(INTA, LES, IBA, AIPPI, AmCham, IAJLJ, etc.). The firm works in close cooperation with the leading law firms in USA, UK, Cyprus, CIS and EU countries, South American countries and Asia. The strict confidentiality of Client information is guaranteed by concluding non-disclosure agreement with every member of the team Individual and special approach to each Client and profound knowledge of peculiarities regarding certain areas of business activity are essential conditions for successful performance of each project.
Our achievements According to the rating, published in European Legal 500 (Autumn, 2007 Edition) Levant & Partners Law Firm was added into the group of recommended firms working in the field of TMT and IP (intellectual property, telecommunications and high technologies). Levant & Partners law firm is ranked in the 2007, 2008 and 2009 Edition of European Legal 500 as recommended law firm in the field of TMT and IP (Technology, Media & Telecommunications, Intellectual Property). Following the results of World IP Survey 2008 conducted by international magazine Managing Intellectual Property Levant & Partners Law Firm is distinguished for working in IP rights protection, including filing of patents or trade marks and associated work. Matvey Levant, managing partner is acknowledged expert on legal issues of intellectual property from point of view of European Legal Experts 2008, 2010.
We exchange our experience One of the Law Firm’ goals is to share our knowledge and experience with our foreign colleagues. We are open to cooperation and communication. For cooperation purposes the Law Firm attend various events, including meetings with Advoc Partners. Levant & Partners Law Firm holds seminars, master class, trainings, round tables on various IP- related matters such as registration of any type of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property protection, and effective Intellectual Property management. We are happy to give our clients free advice within the framework of seminars for our clients, because legal protection of our clients is our direct obligation.
Team Managing Partner. International private law, corporate, real estate and arbitration. Graduated from the Smolensky Humanitarian University, degree in Civil law, and Smolensky Pedagogical University, philological faculty. Represented interests of heads of administration of the Russian Federation in arbitration. Participated in drafting a number of federal law legal acts and regulatory legal acts of federal and local executive authorities. Working experience in a number of Russian leading consulting companies. Mr. Levant is the author of publications on the Russian law in Russian and foreign editions, co-author of the monography “Procedural legal grounds for forensic expertise”. After 2001 Mr. Levant has been president of the International Legal Fund, which renders free legal assistance to social and religious organizations of national minorities. Managing Partner. Tax, finance, corporate, labor law, legislation in the sphere of bank operations and financial credit documents. Graduated from Finance Academy under the Government of Russian Federation, degree in finance and credit; and Academy of Law and Management, degree in Civil law. Worked in Ministry of Finance RF and RF Government Office and in several leading consulting companies in Russia. Participated in drafting a number of federal law legal acts including Tax Code of Russian Federation part 2. Occasionally stand as expert in tax law issues for Ministry of Finance. Mr. Narezhniy is the author of more than 120 publications on corporate law, tax law and audit, and also 9 books including “Tax law of Russian Federation”, “Joint operation agreement”, “Simplified tax system”, etc. Matvey Levant, Managing partner Valeriy Narezhniy, Managing Partner
Vladislav Cherkasov. Of Counsel. M&A, Corporate Law, Finance and Banking Law, foreign economic affair. Graduated from Belarusian Law University at the guild of Lawyers of Republic of Belarus, Minsk. Degree in Tax and Banking Law. Before Levant & Partners Law Firm conducted private legal practice, worked in Russian office of French Law Firm and also at a number of Russian and European banks (North Investment Bank, DJEM-BANK, INFOBANK). Participated in more than 40 projects of structuring transactions, M&A. English, Ukrainian, Belorussian fluent. Vladislav Cherkasov Alexander Axelrod Alexander Axelrod. Of Counsel. Specializes in consulting. Graduated from MIREA, Moscow on qualification cybernetics. Mr. Axelrod worked in a number of leading investment groups. Held leading positions in Russian investment and consulting companies.
Working for you Larisa Yatrova — Head of IP practice, Russian Patent Attorney, Eurasian patent attorney. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1968, in 1973 the Central Institute of Intellectual Property (Moscow). Subsequently, participated in a number of professional trainings. From 1971 till 2005 worked in the major IP firm "Sojuzpatent" (last position — deputy director). In 2005 joined Levant & Partners Law Firm. Specializes in patents related to mechanic and electromechanics and technology transfer. Working languages: English and French. Natalia Vasilieva — Head of Trademark Department. Russian Trademark Attorney. Ms. Vasilieva is responsible for registration of trade marks, in particular, within the limits of the Madrid agreement on registration of the international trade marks. Speaks English language. Interests - gardening, literature. Vasilieva N.A. graduated from Moscow Pedagogical Institute in 1975, specialization – English language. Ms. Vasilieva attended special courses (Russian Academy of foreign trade) in Since 1974 for 1998 (Moscow) worked in firm of patent attorneys "Soyuzpatent". In 1998 Natalia Vasilieva came to Levant & Partners Law Firm from "Gorodissky and Partners". Larisa Yatrova Natalia Vasilieva
Ekaterina Momot - Deputy Head of IP Department. Graduated from Russian State Institute of Intellectual Property, and postgraduate studies also. Since 2009 till 2011 she is a participant in MBA courses “Innovation and project management” in Academy of National Economy under the Government of Russian Federation. Specializes in intellectual property protection. For 7 years Ekaterina Momot has been working as patent specialist, registering complex patents, developing IP protection strategy. Analyzed risks in IP protection. Ms. Momot has got experience in the sphere of commercialization of IP rights, the author of several articles on this theme. Currently consults on issues related to technology transfer and licensing. Alexander Shugaev — Head of Corporate Practice. Senior Lawyer. Prior to joining Levant & Partners Law Firm was working for energetic holding, well- known Bar Association and international corporation, which managed commercial real estate in Russia, CIS and Europe. Alexander has experience in banking and retail. Participated in the project of the World Bank "Development of the capital market in Russia". Alexander Shugaev graduated from the Moscow State University of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia with a Major in International Law. Currently Mr. Shugaev is studying for Master's degree in The Institute of State and Law of The Russian Academy of Sciences. English and French fluent. Alexander Shugaev has published a number of publications. Ekaterina Momot Alexander Shugaev
Anna Gupalo — Head of International Law Department. Senior lawyer. Specializes in International private and Civil Law. Graduated from the Moscow Law State Academy in 2007 with honors. Has work experience in Intellectual Property area. Before Levant & Partners Law Firm worked in several leading law companies. Author of a number of articles on IP and International Private Law issues in Russian and foreign professional publications. Consults in the sphere of international business, commercial practice, foreign-economic affair, Corporate and Labor Law. Conducts cases of Russian and foreign clients in Russia and abroad. Varvara Shamirova — Of Counsel, M&A lawyer. Specialization: corporate, commercial and banking law. Significant experience in provision of legal support to various M&A transactions and investment projects, including projects with foreign participation. From 1992 to 2003 worked in the international law firms concerned with the main focus on corporate and commercial practice. From 2003 she moved into the Russian banking sector. Currently consults a number of Russian companies on transactions in the field of M&A, investment operations, project finance, corporate and commercial law issues, labor law, coordinates business projects with foreingh participation. Graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy, specialization “Civil Law". Speaks English fluently. Anna Gupalo Varvara Shamirova
Oleg Bizyakin - legal adviser. Specializes in tax consulting, accounting and taxation. He graduated from Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 1998 worked for the Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation as well as for a number of leading audit companies. Mr. Bizyakin has acquired a great experience of dealing with issues regarding tax optimization and Clients` interests protection before tax authorities. He is the author of publications in series of professional financial and economic editions. Oleg Bizyakin Olga Zubareva Olga Zubareva - legal adviser. Specializes in tax law, tax and financial revisions. Ms. Zubareva has acquired a Master’s degree in Economy from Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N. Voznesensky. Before Levant & Partners Law Firm worked as a chief accountant for industrial enterprises and as an internal auditor for a bank. Since 1992 she has been working in banking and financial sphere.
Our clients Major feature of Levant and Partners Law Firm practice is combination of individual approach to each client with a deep understanding of its business peculiarities. In light of the great trust that our clients place in us, the partners and lawyers at the firm guarantee strict confidentiality. It is necessary for our work with Russian as well as foreign clients. Any information obtained from our clients necessary for projects' implementation shall not be disclosed. This principle is enforced through an internal procedure of personal employee liability. Levant and Partner’s clients are not only companies from the majority of the countries of the European Union, from USA, Asiatic region, but also companies with business interests in the Russian Federation. The reputation of the Law Firm’s clients is an indicator of its colleagues’ professionalism and, therefore, of the quality of the services. Our Firm`s clients include both large and small companies. The firm’s most recent projects are related to emerging technologies and the large-scale construction of production complexes in Moscow and several other important regions in Russia.
Practice areas Levant & Partners Law Firm successfully renders a wide range of legal services to clients doing business in Russia and abroad. The main practice areas are following: Intellectual Property International Law Corporate Matters Mergers & Acquisitions Foreign Investments Tax Law Dispute Resolution Real Estate & Land Law Labor Law
Intellectual Property Nowadays no development of economy and business is possible without use of intellectual activity results. We live and work in an age where intellect has become a property which needs effective registration and protection. Our highly qualified patent attorneys with experience for more than 30 years in the Intellectual Property provide patent service in respect of obtaining, maintaining and protection in Russia and in foreign countries of all the types of intellectual property: inventions, utility models, industrial designs, selective achievements, trade and service marks, appellations of origins, firm/company names as well as copyrights and neighboring rights (in literary, musical and artistic works in films and records, etc.), computer software, data bases, topology of integrated circuits and domain names. Should you require professional assistance in cases of infringement of intellectual rights or arising any disputes or involvement of technology transfer the Law Firm will be pleased to help you. Our basic philosophy is to find solutions to the individual problems of our clients occurring in commerce and fields of industry trying to persue commercial interests of Clients within the Russian legislation.
Services in Intellectual Property The highly qualified patent attorneys with experience for more than 30 years in IP give advice on obtaining, maintaining and protection of all types of intellectual property in Russia and in foreign countries : Preliminary analysis of innovations which are subject to registration and patenting to determine their patentability and choose the most effective form of protection. Search for related documents and analysis of found documents to specify the priority level. Drafting and preparing applications and other documents for Russian Patent, Eurasian Patent and Patent Offices of other countries. Preparing and filing applications for international and regional patents. Full support throughout all stages of patent expertise: giving commentaries on incoming enquiries, drawing up competent responses and opinions etc. Maintenance of patent and registration certificate rights.
Services in Intellectual Property Filing documents for registration of agreements for alienation of the exclusive right or license agreements. Representing Client's interests in case of contesting the Patent Office decisions, filing a lawsuit or counterclaim, answer to the claim, writing to appellate instances, defending of the Client` position in proceedings. Representing of Client's interests in case of violation of Intellectual Property rights (right in trademark, in patent etc.) in arbitration courts, submitting motions and other procedural documents, participation in court trial etc. Preparing expert opinions on the fact of patent legislation violation, on patentability issues (novelty, non-obviosness, industrial utility).
IP rights protection Comprehensive research on results of intellectual activity. Expertise of Intellectual Property objects, choice of protection method, enforcement of IP rights. Research of know-how and new technology for protection ability. Registration of Intellectual Property rights as intangible asset and its tax optimization. Specifying conditions and ways of intellectual property objects commercialization and choosing an appropriate type of contract.
International Private Law Conclusion of bilingual contracts with private foreign clients (legal entities or private individuals) and full legal support of external economic transactions. International Merger and Acquisition. Investment agreements, agreements on incorporation of joint enterprises and agreements on division of production. Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments as well as foreign arbitral awards within the territory of the Russian Federation and reciprocity in respect of Russian judgments. Accreditation and support of foreign companies’ representative offices in Russian Federation. Legal support of companies incorporation in USA, EU and other countries.
Corporate matters Levant & Partners Law Firm provides its legal services to Clients from the first stage (drafting the articles of incorporation, memorandum of association and other charter documents) till the very final stage of company formation and ensure the proper fulfillment of all necessary procedures. The firm provides a wide range of services: Development of corporate structure Сhoice of appropriate corporate scheme from the point of its compliance with legal requirements and application of the best tax optimization method. Incorporation of all subsidiaries and branches of the main company in Russia and abroad. Drafting all necessary founding documents and internal corporate documents. Restructuring of existing business All types of reorganization of the present corporate structure (merger, takeover, division, separation and change of organizational form). Legal support of transactions providing acquisition and alienation of enterprise as ownership complex and on purchase-and-sale of shares. Corporate issues Preparation of documents for annual and extraordinary general meetings of joint stock companies shareholders, minutes of meetings of Board of Directors, submission resolutions for signatures of General Director. Liaising with state authorities for obtaining extract from Company Register, for registration of emission prospectus or for compulsory disclosure of information etc.
Mergers and Acquisition The process of globalization results in the great number of M&A transactions with cross-border elements. The aspects of such M & A transactions are the following: Legal Due Diligence. Financial Due Diligence. Tax Due Diligence. Coordination of M&A transactions with antimonopoly bodies of the Russian Federation. Supporting of M&A transactions.
Foreign Investments Levant & Partners Law Firm acts as a legal adviser for various aspects of foreign investments in Russian economy. The legal advice comprise following matters: Initial advising to foreign investor Incorporation issues. Licensing of certain types of activity. State regulation of certain aspects of business. Development of effective model of investing Acquisition of the existing business. Creation of new business structures. Foundation of subsidiaries and representative offices. Financial issues of investment projects Working out a project finance, tax optimization scheme. Drafting all necessary contracts and agreements. Compliance with the currency control requirements. Profit repatriation schemes.
Tax Law Tax consulting Consultation on application of Russian Tax legislation. Implementation of international tax treaties (bilateral agreements on double taxation avoidance). Filing an application for income tax deductions. Tax planning Development of optimum taxation schemes for legal entities and individuals. Analysis of operating taxation schemes for tax risks. International tax planning. Tax disputes Check of tax authorities' decision on its compliance with the current tax legislation. Pre-court resolution of tax disputes. Representation of client’s interests in the courts of all levels. Refund of over paid taxes. Tax audit Analysis of tax deductions for proper computation and checking correctness of tax payment. Analysis of Russian and international transactions for tax risks.
Dispute resolution Dispute resolution practice include representation of the Client` interests in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts within all stages of case trial starting from the court of first instance to the appellate and cassation courts. The Law Firm lawyers are ready to defend the Client`s position in courts of foreign jurisdictions. Legal representation in state courts and commercial arbitration Submitting a claim. Preparation of written legal opinion on legal reasoning behind the claim and drafting cause of action with references to statutory provisions. Concluding legal service agreements. Representation of the client in courts of all instances. Representation of the client in international commercial arbitration (ICAC, LCIA). Enforcement of judjements Receipt of execution writ on binding judgement. Interaction with law-enforcement officials. Assistance on enforcement of foreign judgements and foreign arbitral awards within the territory of the Russian Federation.
Real Estate & Land Law The real estate business in Russia is regulated by numerous local acts. The practice of real estate transactions vary from region to region. The Firm carries out following tasks: Expert evaluation of real estate projects Due Dilligence of real estate and land transactions, i.e examination of legal title transfer and the legality of privatization. Discovery of all risks regarding acquisition of title in real estate. Investment contract expertise. Structuring of transactions Development of effective structure of real estate acquisition and alienation transactions. Drafting of agreements, contracts and other documents required for the real estate title transfer. Legal support of formalization of title on the real estate and the respective transactions Assignment of title in real estate. Real estate privatization. Obtaining permits and approvals from state bodies if required.
Labour Law The current tendencies of Russian labor legislation such as appearance of new concepts and notions borrowed from foreign practice, development of migration legislation and whole complication of labor law serve as challenge for the Levant & Partners lawyers to solve relevant problems and settle disputes between employer and employees. Development of labor relations system Check on their compliance with legal rules. Keeping a record of personal data. Drafting a complete package of labor documents. Consulting on labor law matters. Support of foreign employees and their employers Obtaining permits for foreign personnel work. Obtaining permits for attraction and use foreign labor force. Accreditation of foreign companies representative office and branch staff. Labor Disputes Pre-court settlement of labor disputes. Court trial of labor disputes.
Contacts Russia, Moscow, Rubtsovskaya nab., 4, build, 2. Tel / Fax : +7 (495) Web-site:
Ladies and Gentlemen! On behalf of the team of Levant & Partners Law Firm thank you for attention to our presentation. In turn we can guarantee, that all written here is put into life and practice. Clients of Levant & Partners Law Firm appreciate the high quality of legal services. The Firm takes advantages of its cooperation with numerous foreign law firms, associations and state authorities. This enables to solve separate extraordinary cases and some sophisticated problems. The progress in the Firm`s practice areas, expansion of international contacts and the professional development of lawyer and patent attorney staff are of great interest for Levant & Partners.