Group Discussion Evaluation By Kathie P. Simmons, RN, BSN Kwame Opoku-Agyemang, RN, BSN
GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION Describes how to evaluate effectiveness of strategy Does method help achieve stated objectives Is learning activity accessible to the target group of learners (Bastable, 2008).
GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION Scrutinizes efficiency of - method given - time used - energy expended - resources available - cost-effectiveness (Bastable, 2008).
GROUP DISCUSSION EVALUATION Analyzes which method allows for active, participation to: - accommodate needs -abilities -learner style (Bastable, 2008).
GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY The action will be fruitless if the planning is devoid of: the learners’ characteristics behavioral objectives teacher characteristics resources available to the institution (Bastable, 2008)
GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY Group becomes more cohesive: -trust & support typically build -naturally quiet members are willing to engage in interaction without fear of being misunderstood (Watson, Michaelsen & Sharp 1991)
GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY Inherent benefits as a tool for both affective & cognitive domains Shyness, overwhelming dominant members & high group diversity are identified as shortcomings unique to this method. (Bastable, 2008).
GROUP DISCUSSION SUMMARY Learners may need to be tactfully redirected in a manner that lessens their influence on the group without damaging the trust of other group member s (Bastable, 2008).
References Abruzzeses, R. (1996). Nursing staff development: Strategies for success (2 nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book. Bastable, S. (2008). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Boyd, M., Gleit, C., Graham, B. & Whitman, N. (1998). Health teaching in nursing practice: A professional model (3 rd ed.) Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange DeYoung, S. (2003). Teaching strategies for nurse educators. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Watson, W. E., Michealsen, L. K. & Sharp, W. (1991) Member competence, group interaction and group decision making longitudinal study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, Peters, F. & Connell, K. (1991). “Incorporating the affective component into an AIDS work shop.” Journal of Continuing Educations in Nursing, 22,