Microsoft Outlook 2007
WHAT IT DOES: Send and receive Schedule events and meetings Store contact information Create to-do lists Create reminders Subscribe to online content feeds Get maps and directions for a contact
FEATURES: Personal Information Manger –Enables you to electronically store information about your contacts names & addresses, your calendar, and tasks Outlook Today –Summary view of your schedule, tasks, and for the current day Reading Pane –Located on the right side (by default) of the Outlook screen when the Inbox & some other mail folders are open –Allows you to read an item without actually opening it –Can be moved from the right side to the bottom or it can be turned off
TOOLBARS: Menu Bar: Contains lists of commands grouped by category Standard Toolbar: Contains buttons for the most commonly used commands Navigation Pane: All Outlook areas can be accessed from here Web Toolbar: Contains buttons that allow the Outlook Today pane to function as a Web browser.
RIBBON: –Business Card –Calendar –Signature –Spelling
ADDRESSES: An address consists of a user ID and a host name, separated by symbol For example:
FORMATS: You can SEND AND RECEIVE in Outlook in 3 formats: –HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) –Rich Text Format –Plain Text Format adding a contact
SETTING UP AN ACCOUNT: To SEND AND RECEIVE , you need to set up an Outlook MAIL ACCOUNT. Click on TOOLS > ACCOUNT SETTINGS Here you can create a new account, or modify an existing account.
BASICS: TO: main audience CC: Carbon Copy - others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message BCC: Blind Carbon Copy - others whom the author wishes to discreetly inform SUBJECT: Make sure your subject line is informative Message header: includes info about like date sent, subject and sender’s name Note: The TO, CC, and BCC can have more than one recipient listed. Each address is to be separated with a semi-colon
BUS2301 PROCEDURES: EACH time you me: –Your FIRST and LAST NAME MUST BE IN THE BODY OF THE –The word “SECTION” and Your Section Number must be in the subject line of the You must use your ALGONQUIN COLLEGE e- mail address –This is Algonquin College policy –Any other addresses will not be accepted (Hotmail accounts, etc.)
MESSAGE OPTIONS: Click the options tab > message options – allows you to set message settings and delivery options.
REVOLUTION: Create and proof your message Hit the Send button Outlook files it away into the OUTBOX FOLDER; It then moves from the OUTBOX Folder to the SENT Folder after processing
ATTACHMENTS: To Send an attachment: –Click the INSERT FILE button (looks like a paper clip) on the Standard toolbar and select the file you wish to attach. Multiple files can be selected by holding the Ctrl button while selecting each file Outlook DOES NOT impose any size limit on attachments. –However, most Internet service providers (ISPs) do set limits on the overall message size, which is the sum of all attachments plus the content of the message itself. Good practice: If you are attaching a very large file, you should first compress the file by using a zip program. Outlook files that are saved in the default Open XML Formats with the following file extensions are automatically zipped:.docx,.dotx,.xlsx,.xltx,.pptx,.potx, and.ppsx.
SAVING ATTACHMENTS: To save and view one attachment 1. Right-click the icon representing the attachment. 2.Select SAVE AS on the shortcut menu, select a storage location, and save the file. To save multiple attachments: 1.On the Message tab, In the Actions group, click Other Actions, 2.Ensure all attachments that you want to save are highlighted 3.Click Save Attachments. 4.Click OK, choose a folder location, and then click OK again.
SAVING ATTACHMENTS: Attachment preview allows users to view Office attachments in the reading pane rather than having to open another program! Click on the attachment icon Then click on: PREVIEW FILE
ATTACHMENT SAFETY CONCERNS: To help protect your computer, Microsoft Outlook does not allow you to receive files of certain types (such as.exe files) as attachments, because of their potential for introducing a virus into your computer. Outlook blocks these files by default. If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange, only the server administrator can unblock these file types. End users of Outlook cannot unblock these file types.
PRINTING MESSAGES: The default print style for individual Outlook messages is: Memo style.
DELAY SENDING AN MESSAGE In the message, on the Options tab, in the More Options group, click Delay Delivery. Click Message Options. Under Delivery options, select the Do not deliver before check box, and then click the delivery date and time that you want. After you click Send, the message remains in the Outbox folder until the delivery time.
RULES: Rules can be established with several different criteria's such as Senders or Subjects. Rules allow you to perform a number of tasks such: –deleting messages –moving messages to specific folders –creating alerts
TO DO BAR: VIEW >TO-DO BAR: –Normal, Minimized, or Off Click in the ‘Type a new task” textbox: After you create a task, here, it will appear in the list below it –You can then double-click the task to set a date or change options
TO DO BAR: In the to do list pane, when you click on the red flag, the flag disappears. When you right mouse click on the flag, you can set the following options
CREATE CONTACTS: Outlook's CONTACTS folder is an electronic address book in which you can store information (e.g. phone numbers, addresses) about individuals or businesses 1.Click the contacts folder button in the navigation pane 2.Click the new contact button on the standard toolbar 3.Add the information 4.On the ribbon, in the actions group, click the save and close button –a ribbon is the toolbar that contains frequently used commands
CREATE CONTACTS SHORTCUTS: if a person is in your “Contact List”: key in their name Ctrl + K (OUTLOOK will automatically insert the address) You can also create a new contact from an open . Right click the sender’s address on the From line, and then click Add to Outlook Contacts
FILTER AND SORT CONTACT LISTS: A FILTER, which always applies only to the current view, displays items that match specific criteria. It hides, rather than removes, items that don't match. You can filter contacts by criteria such as key words or addresses. You can also use different criteria to sort CONTACTS in ascending or descending order.
USING FILTERS: Click the folder you want to apply a filter to. IN “CONTACTS” VIEW OR “MAIL” VIEW : –VIEW > ARRANGE BY > Custom > –Click on the FILTER button Select the filter options you want. To filter using additional criteria such as a category or importance level > MORE CHOICES tab
MAPPING YOUR CONTACT: Get maps and directions to your contacts by opening a contact with an address Click on the map button on the contact tab, communicate group MSN maps will immediately open in your default browser, centered on the address found in the contact information.
ORGANIZING YOUR CONTACTS: To create additional contact folders: 1.Click FILE > NEW > FOLDER 2.Enter the name for the folder 3.Select Contact Items in the Folder Contains drop down 4.Select Contacts for where the folder is to be placed 5.Click OK
NEW MAIL MESSAGES: An message that has not been opened or read is represented by a closed envelope icon. The bracketed number in blue beside the inbox represents the number of all unread s sitting in the inbox
KEEP YOUR S ORGANIZED: It is much easier to locate an earlier message if you create folders or sub-folders for organizing and storing messages. To CREATE a folder: –Right-click the folder in which you want to create the sub-folders Select NEW FOLDER and complete the New Folder dialog box To FILE messages in your folders, select one or more messages in the view pane and drag them to the new folder in the Folder List.
ARCHIVE MESSAGES: When mail messages become old, but you do not want to delete them, you can ARCHIVE the messages. Go to: –FILE > ARCHIVE –If necessary, click the ARCHIVE THIS FOLDER AND ALL SUBFOLDERS BUTTON –If necessary, click the + sign beside the INBOX to display subcategories –Select the date from the: ARCHIVE ITEMS OLDER THAN drop-down box –OK
ARCHIVING: When you archive Outlook information, items are saved in a.pst file. When you archive – Outlook will keep ONLY the following – messages –Calendars –Contacts –Tasks –Notes
SIGNATURES: Signatures are NOT archived When you create your first signature, that signature will automatically be applied to all new messages.
SIGNATURES: –TOOLS > OPTIONS > MAIL FORMAT tab > click on the SIGNATURES button –Click on the NEW button > give the signature a name, then select OK –In the EDIT SIGNATURE textbox, key in the signature, and make any formatting changes –you then have to select your: account, the signature you want for your ` New Messages & Replies forwards
SIGNATURES: IF you have a number of signatures & want to apply a different one, to a specific message, “on the fly”, in your message, click on the SIGNATURES icon: You CAN NOT have multiple signatures on any one
DISTRIBUTION LISTS: A distribution list is a collection of contacts. It provides the ability to send an message to a group of people all at once. To create a distribution list: 1.File > New > Distribution List 2.Type a name for your new list 3.Select the members 4.Click Okay
NOTES: Notes are an electronic version of “sticky notes” Outlook automatically saves notes. You DO NOT have to hit Ctrl + S Each NOTE will remain open until you click its CLOSE button. yellow
CREATING NOTES: To create a NOTE: –Click the NEW button on the Standard toolbar and select the NOTE option –A small yellow window, with a date and time stamp, will be displayed –Type the information you want to store in the window To open a NOTE: –click NOTES in the Folder List (OR, just above the taskbar) –double-click a closed note in the VIEW pane to open it.
TASKS Tasks are not only to-do lists – they are history. –Can be tracked until completed You can mark a task as completed and view all completed tasks. Completed tasks change to light grey and have a strike through them You can enter a task with a scheduled start date and due date. If you don't complete a task on its due date it will automatically move forward and appear on the current day until you reschedule it or check it off
CREATE TASKS: You can use Outlook's TASKS feature to keep track of your to-do list. 2 ND icon at bottom of screen You can create a TASK from scratch (use the Task pane), OR –you can drag an existing item, (such as a NOTE), into the TASKS folder to create the task. Any of your s which have a “Flag” attached to it will automatically appear in your TASK list! If you start with an existing item –Outlook will insert relevant information into the appropriate fields –and store the contents of the original item in the text box.
ASSIGN TASKS: You can also ASSIGN a task to someone else to complete. Double-click on TASK—brings up dialog box This requires 2 addresses. One individual will send the task request via , transferring ownership to the recipient. The recipient responds to the task request. The 1st individual can keep the task on the task list and receive status reports.
CATEGORIES: A CATEGORY is a keyword/phrase you can assign to items in order to group them. Colored categories can be used to color code calendar entries You could assign the CATEGORY name to any: – notes, –meetings, –tasks, and – messages associated with that name
ORGANIZE TASKS by CATEGORIES: After TASKS have been assigned to CATEGORIES, you can choose to VIEW TASKS BY CATEGORIES, by clicking on: – VIEW > CURRENT VIEW
CALENDAR BASICS: The CALENDAR is a scheduling tool you can use to plan appointments, events, and meetings. –An appointment is an activity you can schedule, but it does not involve other participants, items, or locations –A meeting is an activity that involves other participants, items, or locations –An event is an activity that does have a set time or location. –In your calendar, you can tell the difference between a meeting and an appointment by the information in the meeting entry. In a meeting you'll see the location of the meeting and the meeting organizer's name.
CALENDAR FOR SCHEDULING: Automatic reminder time is 15 minutes. However, it is possible to change this Date Navigator: A view of the calendar that you can use to display specific days in a month Different Calendar views: You can select from a daily view, weekly view or monthly view. Daily Style: –A print style that shows calendar appointments for the currently selected day
MORE THAN ONE CALENDAR: Outlook supports multiple calendars being worked with simultaneously includes a side-by-side view for calendars –each calendar is displayed in a different tab
OTHER PEOPLES CALENDARS: You can give other people access to your CALENDAR (NOT to any additional calendars) so they can see when you are available for meetings. Depending on the level of access that you permit, other people can schedule appointments in your calendar. Schedule an APPOINTMENT FOR A TASK by dragging the task from the –TASKS folder or CALENDAR TASKPAD to the CALENDAR. Use the same methods to schedule a recurring appointment, but click the RECURRENCE button to enter information in the Appointment Recurrence dialog box.
SCHEDULE A MEETING: To SCHEDULE A MEETING (in “CALENDAR” view) click: – ACTIONS > PLAN A MEETING. Meeting tab > Show group > Scheduling Assistant – helps to find the best time for your meeting. When you click on the: Address Book, you can select if the recipient is Required, or Optional, or Resources –Required and Optional attendees appear in the To box on the Meeting tab, and Resources appear in the Location box.
CALENDAR AVAILABILITY: The “free/busy grid” shows the availability of attendees The green vertical line represents the start of the meeting The red vertical line represents the end of the meeting.
RECURRING CALENDAR ITEMS: Tell Outlook that a calendar item occurs over, and over use the Recurrence feature. To set up a recurrence pattern, open the appointment and click the Recurrence button in the Options group of the Appointment tab. Enter the information and Save. Change a recurring calendar entry by double-clicking it. You have two options: –Open this occurrence Choose this option when you want to see or change one instance, not the entire series. – Open the series Choose this option when you want to see or change the entire series
SAVE A CALENDAR AS A WEB PAGE : You can save a CALENDAR as a Web page to make the information available to others. When you do so, you specify the time period available and the name of the calendar. You can then share the information by distributing the URL to groups or individuals.
RECORD ACTIVITIES IN THE JOURNAL : The JOURNAL is similar to a diary. FILE > NEW > JOURNAL ENTRY It can automatically record the: –date and time of all your: interactions, items, documents, and Activities You can also click the NEW button to make a manual entry.