She’s wearing a dress and high hill sandals
He’s wearing a pink jacket and a black t-shirt
Angelina is wearing a black dress and Brad a beige jacket and a white shirt
* Rafa is wearing a grey jacket and trausers, a blue t-shirt and trainers. * Marvelis is wearing jeans, a violet t- shirt and violet boots. * The headmaster is wearing a grey jacket and trausers, a white t-shirt and black shoes. * Lola is wearing black jeans, a black jersey and black platform shoes. * He is wearing a jumper, tracksuit trousers and trainers.
Berto is wearing a casual shirt and white trousers. He wears glasses to work on TV.
* Dr Mateo is wearing a blue suit, white shirt and a tie. * His aunt is wearing a dress. * The Argentinian barman is wearing a hat, dark t-shirt and and a black waistcoat. * The policeman is wearing a uniform.