The Emotional Intelligence Profile of Surgical Residents: A Descriptive Study AR Jensen, MD, AS Wright, MD, A Lance, MBA, K O’Brien, MA, C Pratt, MS, DJ Anastakis, MD, M.Ed, MHCM, CA Pellegrini, MD, and KD Horvath, MD University of Washington Department of Surgery and College of Education AR Jensen, MD, AS Wright, MD, A Lance, MBA, K O’Brien, MA, C Pratt, MS, DJ Anastakis, MD, M.Ed, MHCM, CA Pellegrini, MD, and KD Horvath, MD University of Washington Department of Surgery and College of Education
Introduction Team Leadership and Communication Skills are vital to the practice of Medicine Reflected in three of the six ACGME Core Competencies 1.Patient Care 2.Medical Knowledge 3.Practice-based Learning and Improvement 4.Interpersonal Communication 5.Professionalism 6.Systems-based Practice Team Leadership and Communication Skills are vital to the practice of Medicine Reflected in three of the six ACGME Core Competencies 1.Patient Care 2.Medical Knowledge 3.Practice-based Learning and Improvement 4.Interpersonal Communication 5.Professionalism 6.Systems-based Practice
Introduction Design of a Team Leadership and Communication training curriculum –Educational Needs Assessment –Understand residents’ perceptions of leadership skills and training –Tailor curriculum to needs of residents Design of a Team Leadership and Communication training curriculum –Educational Needs Assessment –Understand residents’ perceptions of leadership skills and training –Tailor curriculum to needs of residents
Introduction Model: Emotional Intelligence –Team Leadership and Communication model originally described by Mayer and Salovey in 1990 and later popularized by Daniel Goleman –Proposed to be teachable –Hypothesized to be useful in Medicine, but no data exist. Model: Emotional Intelligence –Team Leadership and Communication model originally described by Mayer and Salovey in 1990 and later popularized by Daniel Goleman –Proposed to be teachable –Hypothesized to be useful in Medicine, but no data exist. Goleman (1995) Emotional Intelligence: Why it can Matter More than IQ
Emotional Intelligence Five key principles 1.Emotional Self-Awareness 2.Emotional Self-Regulation 3.Self-Motivation 4.Awareness of Others’ Emotional States 5.Proficiency in Managing Relationships with Others Five key principles 1.Emotional Self-Awareness 2.Emotional Self-Regulation 3.Self-Motivation 4.Awareness of Others’ Emotional States 5.Proficiency in Managing Relationships with Others Self Others
Methods 20-item Survey with 5-point Likert Scale –Leadership Skills –Leadership Training –Self-Assessment of Five Emotional Intelligence Traits 20-item Survey with 5-point Likert Scale –Leadership Skills –Leadership Training –Self-Assessment of Five Emotional Intelligence Traits EQi® administered to all General Surgery residents as an Educational Needs Assessment –Widely validated –Initial studies Adults in North America (1996) –Correlates with leadership advancement (predictive validity – military studies) EQi® administered to all General Surgery residents as an Educational Needs Assessment –Widely validated –Initial studies Adults in North America (1996) –Correlates with leadership advancement (predictive validity – military studies)
Survey Results
Methods EQi® administered to all General Surgery residents as an Educational Needs Assessment –Widely validated –Initial studies Adults in North America (1996) –Correlates with leadership advancement (predictive validity – military studies) EQi® administered to all General Surgery residents as an Educational Needs Assessment –Widely validated –Initial studies Adults in North America (1996) –Correlates with leadership advancement (predictive validity – military studies) 20-item Survey with 5-point Likert Scale –Leadership Skills –Leadership Training –Self-Assessment of Five Emotional Intelligence Traits 20-item Survey with 5-point Likert Scale –Leadership Skills –Leadership Training –Self-Assessment of Five Emotional Intelligence Traits
Bar-On EQi® Emotional Quotient Inventory –Individual results confidential –Residents receive results from Certified EQi Consultant –De-identified pooled group results available to Department –Individual results requested from residents for correlational analysis –Individual results confidential –Residents receive results from Certified EQi Consultant –De-identified pooled group results available to Department –Individual results requested from residents for correlational analysis Bar-On (2006). Bar-On Model of Emotional-Social Intelligence
EQi® Results Total Correlational Analysis N7464 Male51 (69%)45 (70%) Female23 (31%)19 (30%) R13328 R216 R31110 R496 R554
+/- 1 SD Range EQi® Results Scaled to mean of 100 Most normally functioning individuals Scaled to mean of 100 Most normally functioning individuals Mean
EQi® Results N = 34
EQi® Results N = 34 Adapted from Bar-On, EQi Technical Manual p=0.19
Conclusions Surgical Residents have a strong self- perception of their own Emotional Intelligence Surgical Residents as a group have above average Emotional Intelligence Individual EQi® results may allow residents to guide their own Leadership and Communication training Surgical Residents have a strong self- perception of their own Emotional Intelligence Surgical Residents as a group have above average Emotional Intelligence Individual EQi® results may allow residents to guide their own Leadership and Communication training
Future Directions Establishment of a Leadership Training Curriculum may improve leadership skills Follow-up analysis after Leadership Training is necessary Other instruments (MSCEIT, 360-degree EQi®) may be better measures of leadership skills Establishment of a Leadership Training Curriculum may improve leadership skills Follow-up analysis after Leadership Training is necessary Other instruments (MSCEIT, 360-degree EQi®) may be better measures of leadership skills