Heidi Nance, University of Washington David Ketchum, University of Oregon February 26, 2014 Alternatives to Ariel
What’s Wrong with Ariel? Security concerns Poor support High cost (compared to most alternatives) Better alternatives No longer considered standard or “main” method of transmission Collective momentum as others stop using it What’s right with Ariel? Long considered exemplar of “secure electronic” - the irony! Current version allows for unmediated processing Integrates with ILL management software (i.e., ILLiad, Clio)
Secure Electronic what is it? “Many licenses call out Ariel as an example of a "secure electronic" transmission, but they don't require Ariel. Yes, username/password based systems would be important. I think the other feature needed is something preventing the user from re-transmitting or broadcasting the document. As I understand it that's true with Ariel.” Diane Grover, retired, University of Washington 1/23/14 Do not foster the (easy) re-transmission of files to third parties Have a username/password requirement Note! Ultimately, what your library considers secure electronic is a decision for you and your licensing librarian to decide.
Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services Library-Specific Article Exchange Odyssey General WeTransfer FileSnack Hightail
Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services article exchange Cloud-based Requires OCLC membership Secure and prevailing Share files with non-subscribers Integrates with ILLiad Possibility for unmediated processing Password-protected files Lacks integrated scanning module 60 MB per file limit Upload up to 1K files per day No storage space limit Files expire 5 days after being viewed, or 30 days if never viewed
Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services odyssey ILLiad-integrated or stand-alone Possibility for unmediated processing OCLC membership not required Integrated scanning module Client-to-client delivery Only delivers to other Odyssey-protocol compliant softwares Requires software to be open on both sides Requires software to be open Free stand-alone version No official per file size limit Storage space is inconsequential
Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services general WeTransfer FileSnack HighTail
Does not require registration or account Lacks integrated scanning module Upload files 2 GB file size limit No storage limits Files expire after 7 days Supports delivery to non-subscribers Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services WeTransfer
Does not require registration or account Lacks integrated scanning module Upload or drag-and-drop files 100 MB file size limit 2.5 GB storage capacity Password-protected files Files do not expire but can be deleted Supports delivery to non-subscribers Identifies native client and drafts delivery message Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services FileSnack
Does not require registration or account Lacks integrated scanning module Recipient validation Supports delivery to non-subscribers 250 MB file size limit 2 GB storage capacity Built-in messaging system Files expire after 7 days Ariel-Alternative File Sharing Services Hightail
Comparison of Alternatives
Further Reading Article Exchange Odyssey WeTransfer FileSnack Hightail 2014 Best Online File Sharing Service Comparison & Reviews2014 Best Online File Sharing Service Comparison & Reviews by TopTenREVIEWS
Sunseting Ariel checklist Consider any local uses of Ariel, test alternatives. Notify listservs o ILL o Ariel o Local ILL listservs Update custom holdings information for OCLC o If an ILLiad library, you do this using the ILLiad client. Update Policies Directory in OCLC Worldshare Update DOCLINE profile Update RapidILL profile
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