WELCOME to Tribal Mission Stakeholder Consultation Workshop WASH GROUP
Objectives Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Provide and ensure: A ccess to safe drinking water supply Reduction in open defecation Promote adoption of safe hygienic practices
SCOPE Institutional level (Ashramshalas/ Hostels) Community level
WASH –Water Gaps / StatusSolutions Availability: Ground Water (GW) dependent Depleting Ground Water level Less storage facility of available water Scarcity of water during summer Operation and Maintenance: Lack of Water treatment Water testing Timely maintenance Source identification through communities Source strengthening Improve storage Water treatment through latest and traditional technologies System for water testing and reporting Resources to be made available
WASH –Sanitation Gaps / StatusSolutions Insufficient infrastructure Traditional Open defecation Systems Lack of water and hence use of other materials Mentality of not using toilets Gender demarcations of usage of toilets 1-4 primary kids do not use toilets Monitoring not done Separate Dustbins to dispose Sanitary Napkins not available Create sufficient infrastructure Awareness on use of toilets Use of latest/Appropriate technology To develop Model villages as best practice Community as well as external monitoring Create local resources and train them on sanitation awareness and education Resources to be made available
WASH –Hygiene Gaps / StatusSolutions No curriculum on hygiene No practice of waste management General community do not use sanitary napkins Concept of using sanitary napkins not in parents Lack of scientific knowledge about Menstrual Hygiene Cloth predominantly re-used with unhygienic practices At community level, no sustained promotion or awareness on Hygiene Handwashing with soap at critical times Training of stakeholders Community and religious leaders to be engaged in hygiene education campaigns Waste management with appropriate technology Continued awareness compaigns
Do we have answers to these Key Issues Regional imbalance-Strategy / solution Language – communication and awareness Difficult living conditions for outsiders/Service providers Practices – isolation during menstruation, Reuse of Sanitary Napkins Existing institutions at village level –existence, capacity, efficiency
Stakeholders Village community Ashramshala population POs APOs Teachers Students Support staff Frontline / village level staff CB and Awareness Age wise, Sex / gender wise, Literacy level Economic status wise Caste wise Awareness Local settings / materials
Role of Tribal Mission Follow up in decision making and guidelines Coordination and proper phasing Fund management Monitoring Research – gap identification & filling Documentation Believe in capacities of others
Role of Line Department Coordination with Mission – openness Timely Technical support Administrative support Data management and support Knowledge, Flexible guidelines
Role of Sector Players Sector Players : NGOs, VOs, CSRs, Trusts, Individuals, Institutions-Academic & Research Interface between communities and investors Capacities of self & others Ensure credible practices Not to look as a business but opportunity for services delivery
Framework Concurrent monitoring and evaluation and decision making Situation Analysis through benchmarking eventually to become a monitoring tool Devising short term, medium term and long term action plan Sanitation Operation and Maintenance Protocol Water WASH Hygiene Support from sector players including line departments, NGOs and private players Behaviours Hardware interventions for infrastructure improvement Capacity building, beavioural change communication intervention Technical human resource, sensitization, knowledge development, resource materials
Overall Mission Components Policy Decisions: Flexibility- confidence building for implementation, options, Fund Provision: Line department funds, advance Payments, revolving fund, CSR, donations, voluntary contribution, incentives, rewards Involvement: Community and religious leaders, line departments, key decision makers, functionaries Institutions: GP, Pada / Ward level, VHNWSC, SHGs, local informal groups Data Management: Strong database creation, knowledge dissemination
Budget Provision For 1 Village : 100 families (500 to 600 population A) Construction of Latrine Per Latrine=100 x15000 = /- B) Water Supply Scheme ………… /- C) Solid & Liquid Waste Management Cost = /- D) O&M Cost …….10% Per Year( B=500000/-) 50,000/- E)IEC,CB,CLTS, Behavior changing Activity & M&E Cost =140000/-(Two Year ) F)Village Motivator Salary For One Year month) =36000/- Total Cost: Hardware 1) A+B+C=23,00,000/- Software 2) E+F = 1,76,000/- Total =24,76,000 O & M Per Year 3) 50,000/- People contribution for O&M 30/- per month for per family =30x12=360 /- per family Total family 100 x 360 =36,000/- Deficit 15,000/-
Budget Provision For 1 Village : 50 families Sr.No. Particulars Unit CostTotal UnitTotal Cost A Software Activity 1 Base line Survay Open Defication Elimination Planning Awerness programme Village level Capacity Building Measons Training B Hardware Activity B1 Sanitation 1 Construction of Two Pit Toilet Construction of Bathroom Nutrition Garden (Kitchen Garden) Compost Pits Smokless Chulha Sanitary Napkin Tripod Stand and ladder (Ograle) for Drinking water Storage and handling Personel Hygine Kits B2 Water Supply 1 Source Strengthing Deepening of Source Water Liffting and Raising Main Storage Tank Water Filters Rain Water Harvesting Total A + B C Admin Charges (10%)
Thank You