+ Career and Technical Student Organizations
+ APK Band, Golf, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Wrestling, Weightlifting, Football, Basketball, Soccer, Swimming, Softball, Baseball, Tennis and Track & Field BETA club, Archery, Art, Chorus, Drama, Pep Club, Yearbook, Spanish Club, Orchestra, Student Council, Guitar Club, FCA Which of these athletics activities or school organizations do you participate in? Why did you chose to participate in that activity? Take one minute to write it down on your white board app. Pair/Share with your neighbor.
+ Essential Question Why is it important to get involved in student organization? What are career and technical organizations? What are the names of the career and technical organizations I can get involved in and how can they benefit me?
+ What are student organizations? Student organizations are a great way to: To get involved at your school, Make an impact on your school life and community, Develop new skills and improve skills learned in the classroom, and Meet friends and have fun!
+ TAPPLE Why should you get involved in student organizations? List three reasons.
+ What are Career & Technical Organizations? Career & Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) engage students by: By allowing students to develop and practice their leadership roles; and By allowing students to apply occupational (job related) and academic knowledge as a part of their program.
+ TAPPLE How does career and technical organizations involve students?
+ What are Career & Technical Organizations? For each career & technical student organizations (CTSO), there is a: Local, State, and National component.
+ TAPPLE How many components can you find for each career and technical organization?
+ Business Professionals of America BPA is a student organization that help students enhance their leadership skills, technical skills, and promote good academic and citizenship. Through programs and services, members of BPA: Compete, Develop their professional and leadership skills, Network, and Get involved in the community.
+ TAPPLE What are the benefits of being involved with BPA? (hint: we discussed five benefits)
+ Business Professionals of America BPA has 43,000 members in over 2,300 chapters in 23 states. BPA organize its members into membership classifications: Alumni Division; Professional Membership; College / Post-secondary Division; High School / Secondary Division; and Middle Level Division;
+ TAPPLE How many members and chapters does BPA have?
+ DECA A national association of marketing education students. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.
+ TAPPLE What field of work might interest you if you want to become a member of DECA?
+ DECA The High School Division includes 200,000 members. The Collegiate Division includes over 15,000 members.
+ TAPPLE How many high school chapters does DECA have?
+ Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) FBLA is an organization of young people preparing for success as leaders in our businesses, government, and communities. Competitive events at nationals include: Accounting, Business calculations, Client service, Cyber security, Digital video production, Marketing, public speaking, and Sports management.
+ TAPPLE What are some of the events you could participate in at nationals if you became a part of FBLA?
+ Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) The high school division has 215,000 members. The postsecondary (college) division reaches over 11,000 college students. The newest group, FBLA-middle level, has over 20,000 student members. The professional division has reached over 3,000 members. Over 11,000 advisers round out the group.
+ TAPPLE Approximately how many middle school members does FBLA have?
+ Guided Practice Do a Google search on one of these Career & Technical Student Organizations. Write down THREE important things you and your group member learned about that organization (e.g. history, mission, vision, goals, objectives, membership, conventions?) You will teach the rest of the class the THREE important details you learned about the organization. Technology Student Association (TSA) – Group 1 Skills USA (Formerly VICA) – Group 2 Health Occupations Student of America (HOSA) – Group 3 Future Educators Association (FEA) – Group 4 Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) – Group 5 FFA (Future Farmers of America) – Group 6
+ Independent Practice On a sheet of paper, write down one-paragraph or more (five sentences minimum) explaining: Which organization, out of all nine organizations you learned about today interest you the most? Explain why you think you would be a good fit for the organization? How do you think joining this organization can benefit your future goals and aspirations?