Why & When to Use Qualitative Assessment Approaches Session 1.2 Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments
Session Objectives By the end of this session Participants are expected to: Describe the meaning of key terms used in qualitative assessments. Highlight differences between qualitative and quantitative assessment approaches Be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative assessment approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments
Some Key Words products of process Approach a general way of conducting an assessment and collecting data. Methods Tools Data refer to how the data are collected, such as: observations, discussions. are the instruments of the methods that assist data collection or analysis, such as: questionnaires and recording devices. Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments
What is a Qualitative Assessment Approach Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments A scientific approach to assessing an issue Seeks answers to questions through a systematic use of predefined procedures. Collects evidence. Rigorous data collection and analysis Seeks to understand a given problem from the perspectives of the local population it involves.
What Can We Learn From Qualitative Assessment Approaches? Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments The “human” side of an issue, that is: Contradictory behaviors Beliefs Opinions Relationships Identifying the “intangible” factors whose role in the assessment issue may not be readily apparent Social norms Socio-economic status Gender roles
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment Approaches Compared Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Quantitative and Qualitative approaches differ primarily in their: analytical objectives sample size questions format and questions it answers data format flexibility in assessment design reciprocity in information exchange
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment Approaches Compared Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Handout 2: Comparison of quantitative and qualitative Approaches
Exercise 1 Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Group Task 4 groups, 4-5 members each Identify the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative approaches (refer to handout on the comparison between the two approaches). Prepare a brief (2 minutes) presentation of your conclusions. 20 min for group work
Advantages of Qualitative Assessment Approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Use of open-ended questions: Provides opportunity to explore and question answers Increases participants’ ability to respond Creates rapport with participants… improves access to information Provide meaning to results /stories behind the figures Does not require large samples Could be undertaken rather fast
Disadvantages of Qualitative Assessment Approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Requires skills and experience to undertake Generalization of findings to large population groups is not possible without quantitative approaches (should be done with caution) Results could be questioned as being subjective (need cross-checking)
Misconceptions About Qualitative Assessment Approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Objectivity is the “Gold Standard” in research Subjectivity compromises accuracy and trustworthiness Only assessment findings that are generalizable can inform policy and practice Self-reported data are unreliable
When can we use qualitative approaches in FSNA? Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments
When to Use Qualitative Approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Qualitative food security assessments are particularly useful when: the causes of food insecurity are unknown a broader and deeper understanding of the nature of a particular food security issue is required information is needed about attitudes linked to food and livelihood security choices, or priorities, perceptions and intentions regarding food security the situation is volatile, such as when there is conflict and continuous displacement
When to Use Qualitative Approaches Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Thus, food security assessments should combine qualitative and quantitative approaches as needed. Not all qualitative studies require quantitative verification, and vice versa.
Exercise 2 Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments Group Task In your previous groups, read the hypothetical country scenario and: identify what types of qualitative data can be collected to update knowledge on FNSA? determine how can this data be collected (sources, methods, etc.)? Prepare a five minute presentation on your group’s discussion 30 min for group work
Lunch Qualitative Approaches for FS Assessments