By Maddie Keller and Shannon Heflin FILIOQUE CONTROVERSY By Maddie Keller and Shannon Heflin
Why was the addition of the filioque to the Nicene Creed such a conflict that it led to the Schism of 1054?
Definition: The Latin term for “And from the Son” WHAT IS THE FILIOQUE?
Who? When? Where? Pope Nicholas, Photius 9 th century Rome and Constantinople WHO, WHEN, WHERE
Successor of Ignatius Patriarch of Constantinople Represented the Orthodox Church WHO WAS PHOTIUS?
Council of Alexandria (362) condemns Macedonius and his followers (the Pneumatomachi) for teaching that the Holy Spirit derives from the Son alone. This conflict stays in the east and is of short duration It may have originated in Spain, as Arianism was spreading. Arianism taught that Jesus is like God, instead of being one and the same as God The Franks were the first to make the Filioque official in the 7 th century The pope, Pope Leo the III did not support the filioque The first undoubted denial of the Holy Spirit coming from both the Father and the Son is in the 7 th century. In the second half of the 9 th century, Photius denies the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Son and opposes the insertion of filioque into the Constantinopolitan creed. ORIGIN OF THE FILIOQUE
The Orthodox (Greek) Christians believed that any change to the Nicene Creed was a heresy. There had been many opportunities in previous ecumenical councils (Ephesus, Chalcedon, Nicea) to make these changes. Changes like the filioque could only be made at such ecumenical councils. THE CONTROVERSY- IS IT A HERESY? Council of Nicea, 325
East Church Through the Son West Church From the Son THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDS…
Well, first of all, it was not the only cause for the schism. There were other factors. Basically, the Franks were a dominate western power and since they adopted the Filioque, it spread throughout their kingdom, which was mostly Christian. Photius, as the patriarch of Constantinople (in the east), condemned this, along with other western theology and practice. Pope Nicholas did not support Photius. SO WHY DID IT CAUSE A SCHISM?
Along with other condemnations, he mainly condemned the Filioque. Why? Because it had not been approved at an ecumenical council and it made the origin of the Holy Spirit confusing. In other words, he said the Filioque was a heresy. WHY DID PHOTIUS CONDEMN THE WEST?
The pope condemned Photius’s views. THE POPE’S RESPONSE
The Pope died and Photius softened his views, thus preventing a permanent split in the Church for the time being. AFTERWARDS…
In the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) the filioque is declared a dogma of faith. It is declared dogma again in the Second council of Lyons in 1274 Once more in the Council of Florence ( ) Now, the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son do not show any being as less than the other, but rather it shows that the procession of the person sent from the person who sends. After the Controversy
It is acknowledged that the Filioque is inerrant truth It can be found in our current Nicene Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son….” The teaching of Sacred Scripture on the double procession of the Holy Spirit has been faithfully preserved in Christian tradition. TODAY….
Pennock, Michael. "Conflicts with Church Authority." The Church in the Middle Ages. This Is Our Church: A History of Catholicism. Notre Dame: Ava Maria Press, Print. Withun, David. The Filioque: An Orthodox Perspective. Youtube. Youtube, 29 July Web. 21 Jan "Saint Photius." Third Edition: An Orthodox Guide to the Filioque. David Withun, n.d. Web. 21 Jan "Saint Photius." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., Web. 24 Jan Photius. Photius Maas, Anthony. "Filioque." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 6. New York: Robert Appleton Company, Jan WORKS CITED