Agile Testing Strategies By Jared Richardson By Jared Richardson
Winning Basketball Team Strategy Team Strategy
Successful Agile Team Strategy Test Strategy Team Strategy Test Strategy
Successful Agile Continuous Integration Test Automation Continuous Integration Test Automation
Automated Tests Rust Code Breaks Sync Fails Trust Fails Code Breaks Sync Fails Trust Fails
Two Scenarios Fix 1 to 3 tests Fix 800 tests Fix 1 to 3 tests Fix 800 tests
Your Code
Public API SupportingClasses
Focused Tests Tests
Unit Tests Exercise One Unit No External Resources Fast Focused Labor Intensive Exercise One Unit No External Resources Fast Focused Labor Intensive
Mock Client Test A System or Module Integration Test Broad A System or Module Integration Test Broad
Tests Require Continuous Integration Frequent Check-ins Continuous Integration Frequent Check-ins
Three Strategies Test Driven Development Defect Driven Testing Blitzkrieg Test Driven Development Defect Driven Testing Blitzkrieg
TDDTDD Write a Test That Fails Write Just Enough Code Repeat Write a Test That Fails Write Just Enough Code Repeat
TDDTDD Drives Design Creates a Solid Product Requires Enlightenment Drives Design Creates a Solid Product Requires Enlightenment
Find a Bug Add a Test Jazz It Up Find a Bug Add a Test Jazz It Up DDT DDT
DDTDDT Inoculates Your Code Incrementally Builds Suite Retrofit Inoculates Your Code Incrementally Builds Suite Retrofit
BKBK March Across The Product Breadth, Not Depth Create Templates March Across The Product Breadth, Not Depth Create Templates
BKBK Jump Start the Effort Same Page Requires Enlightenment Jump Start the Effort Same Page Requires Enlightenment
Scenario One New Project Enlightenment TDD + BK + DDT New Project Enlightenment TDD + BK + DDT
Scenario Two New Project No Enlightenment DDT New Project No Enlightenment DDT
Scenario Three Existing Project Enlightenment BK + DDT Existing Project Enlightenment BK + DDT
Scenario Four Existing Project No Enlightenment DDT Existing Project No Enlightenment DDT
Scenario Five Existing Product Some Enlightened Developers DDT Existing Product Some Enlightened Developers DDT
SummarySummary Test Categories: Focused & Broad Test Types: Unit & Mock Client Strategies: TDD, DDT, BK Test Categories: Focused & Broad Test Types: Unit & Mock Client Strategies: TDD, DDT, BK
Your Goal Pick a Strategy Start Within Two Days Use It One Month Re-evaluate Pick a Strategy Start Within Two Days Use It One Month Re-evaluate
Be the change you want to see in the world -Ghandi Be the change you want to see in the world -Ghandi