Blattodea Cockroach – Hemimetabolous – Chewing Mouthparts – Pest
American Cockroach
German Cockroach
Oriental Cockroach
Cockroach Comparison
Coleoptera Beetles – Holometabolous – Chewing mouthparts – Outer pair of wings or elyta form a hard shell which meet in the middle of the back – Pest, beneficial, and variable
Blister Beetle Pest
Boll Weevil Pest
Carpet Beetle Pest
Carrion Beetle Beneficial
Cigarette Beetle Pest
Click Beetle Variable
Colorado Potato Beetle Pest
Darkling Beetle Variable
Dung Beetle Beneficial
Elm Leaf Beetle Pest
Fire Fly Beneficial
Flea Beetle Pest
Green June Beetle Pest
Ground Beetle Beneficial
Ironclad Beetle Variable
Ladybird Beetle Beneficial
Ladybird Beetle Larva Beneficial
Longhorned Beetle Pest
May Beetle Pest
Metallic Woodboring Beetle Pest
Sweet Potato Weevil Pest
Predaceous Diving Beetle Beneficial
Rice Weevil Pest
Rove Beetle Beneficial
Rove Beetle Beneficial
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle Pest
Soldier Beetle Beneficial
Spotted Cucumber Beetle Pest
Stag Beetle Variable
Tiger Beetle Beneficial
Tumbling Flower Beetle Variable
Whirligig Beetle Beneficial
White Grub Pest