Helpful Tools for Mentoring: The Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, We praise You for all that You have done in our lives. You have used many people and experiences to help us grow as Your children. Thank You for the opportunity to come together to learn more about how we can encourage one another in love, grow closer to You, and serve in Your Kingdom. We ask that You will send Your Holy Spirit to teach us Your Truth and guide us in wisdom. May all that we learn about mentoring bring glory to You and You alone! We ask this all in Jesus’ name. AMEN
Setting the Focus…
Sharing God’s Word Eph. 2:10 Heb. 10:23 – 24 Discussion
Mentoring Mentoring has been defined as, “a process of opening our lives to others, of sharing our lives with others; a process of living for the next generation. Ron Lee Davis in “Mentoring: The Strategy of the Master”
Definition of a Mentor Webster defines mentor as a trusted friend, counselor or teacher; usually a more experienced person Webster’s Dictionary, 2010
Mentoring Styles Discipler Role Model Sponsor Teacher Guide Coach Counselor Paul Stanley, “Up, Sideways, Down” from the Discipleship Journal
Small Group Sharing Who has been an important mentor to you? Share a time when someone encouraged and guided you to a closer relationship with God. With whom have you shared the gospel message? Naomi mentored a woman from a different cultural and ethnic background. What opportunities have you had to share the gospel with others from different backgrounds? Thank God for your mentors!
How To Select a Mentor Pray – Seek the Lord. Select someone you admire. Select someone who believes in people; who is committed to relationships, and who has a positive outlook.
Desired Characteristics of Mentees Taking the initiative Commitment to success Passion to succeed Willing to learn Preparation for mentoring meetings Completing agreed upon tasks Responding honestly to feedback Courage to address weaknesses & change Maxwell JC: Mentoring 101: What every leader needs to know. 2008
Desired Characteristics of Mentors Totally in love with the Lord Transparency/openness Confidentiality Non-judgmental/supportive in failure Zest for Life Integrity Affirming Motivator Invests Trust in Others Maxwell JC: Mentoring 101: What every leader needs to know. 2008
Mentoring Relationships are based on: Trust Mutual respect Open communication Maxwell JC: Mentoring 101: What every leader needs to know. 2008
Small Group Sharing Reflect on your beginnings in LWML. Did you have a mentor? What style of mentoring have you seen? What gift or talent do you have to share with another person? Who are you preparing to take your place in the Lord’s work? In prayer, thank the Lord for your mentors and ask Him for opportunities to train others who will carry on the Lord’s work.
Mentoring Wisdom Mentoring is not a counseling service. It is for nurturing friendships, for support, guidance, love, encouragement and learning. Pray that God will give you opportunities to serve others, and to also show you who can help you in your Christian life. Pray for the Lord’s guidance in mentoring relationships.