Follow the directions below to complete the activity. OBJECTIVE: You will need to do some background research before beginning. Make note of your sources as they must be included on the last slide of your presentation. Choose a famous painting from a famous artist from art history. You will be creating a slide for each Element of Art the artist used in his work and describe how they used it with a voice-over recording. 1.Before you begin critically analyzing and describing these things, begin your presentation with a title slide. Include the Name of the Painting, the artist’s name. Then introduce yourself. 2.The 2 nd slide should cover the artist’s background. Name, birth, death, place of both, career, education, and any major events of interest. Also include a portrait of the artist if you can find one. 3.The next slide should be a little history about the painting itself. What kind of painting, when it was created, who owns it now? Is it in a museum? Where? Why was it created? What is the subject of the painting? Did someone commission it to be painted? Who? 4.Slide 4 -- Begin with Line. Title each slide using a different Element of Art. YOU WILL HAVE TO HAND WRITE ALL TEXT (there is not typing tool) Paste a copy of the painting on each slide so that you can add pointers, circles, or other annotations to the painting as you record yourself explaining how the artist uses Line in their painting. 5.Follow the same steps as Slide 4 but make sure you include all of the Elements of Art (each on it’s on slide with a copy of the painting) : Line, shape, space, form, value, texture, and color. 6.Your last slide should have all of your sources listed. You should have a total of 8 slides when completed. Save a copy of your artist and their painting in iPad photo library before your begin. 7.Your name, class hour and date MUST appear at the bottom of the last slide. + 8.Open app, Click on Start a New Project “ + “ at bottom left. Choose 1024x640 iPad Default. 9.Create each slide with the photos and titles and resources pasted on them before you begin to record your voice over for each one. 10.Paste image on 1 st Title slide, and all other slides except for Artist and Resources slides. You have to Tap the image to make it stick. Click the “white lollipop with white + sign” to add a new slide, it will go blank so you will have to add the painting again. 11.Scroll the timeline back to the beginning (it’s in the pull-down box under the top menu), then click on the Record Button and begin sharing your analysis. (You can PAUSE the recording to move to next slide, but if you click STOP it will end the recording and you will have to start over at the beginning.) 12.To VIEW your recording you have to go back into the Record button and select “My Recordings”. 13.You can now change the title from “Untitled” to “Your First and Last Name” by tapping on the text under your recording. Change it in the text box. Click “DONE” on the keyboard. flower icon 14.Save a copy to the Photo Album to make it easier to find by dragging your project over to the flower icon. National Standards : Grade 9-12 Visual Arts Content Standard 5: Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics and merits of their work and the work of others. LA Standards: VA-AP-H1 (1, 4). Students will use advanced art/design vocabulary for responding to the aesthetic qualities of various works. VA-CA-H4 (1, 4). Critique works of art using advanced art vocabulary. VA-CA-H5 (1, 2, 4). Develop and justify personal interpretations of works of art based on information from inside and outside the work. Critical Analysis with Doceri Presentation Software