Food and Fiber System
Roles and Meanings of Food Food holds many meanings and serves many roles Why is food important to you? What role does it play in society? Basic level- Global scale- 1 in 6 people worldwide lack adequate access to food
Field to Plate Food takes a complex journey from origins on a farm/ranch to consumers plates The activities in the journey from field to plate and the resources involved at each stage is called the Food and Fiber System or Food Supply Chain
Major Stages Production Processing Distribution Retail Consumption
Why study the food system? Promotes healthier diets Reduces the risk of foodborne illnesses Uphold workers’ rights Support small businesses Conserve natural resources Mitigate climate change Improve air/water quality Protect animal welfare
Impacts to Health Agriculture provides food, raw ingredients Food processing transforms raw materials into consumer products Pesticide use linked to cancers Industrial farming- Spread of disease from animals to humans- Animal waste- Water-borne contamination waste Gases and airborne materials-Respiratory, neurological illness Routine use of antibiotics lead to resistant pathogens
Impacts to Health: Diet Related Food and diet are major determinants of health Chronic conditions Obesity, diabetes, heart disease Americans eat too many nutrient-poor refined grains with added fats and sugars External factors play a role Peers Marketing Cost (healthy foods cost more) Access Addicted to foods Addicted to foods
Impacts to health: Environmental Contaminated air, water and soil Climate change Diminished long term food supplies
Picture 1- migrant workers in meat and poultry packaging Picture 2- concentrated manure being sprayed on a field Picture 3- corner store- typically sells food with lower nutritional values at higher prices
Food and Animal welfare Some food animals are subjects to physical and emotional harm Restricted from performing many of their natural behaviors Others are free range Raised on pastures Show fewer signs of stress Why would free range animals make a better food source?
Top- Industrial chicken farming Bottom- Free range chicken
Top- factory farming for cattle Bottom- free range cattle
Organic Farming Alternate to industrial farming No pesticides, man-made chemicals on crops No routine use of antibiotics for animals More to come….
Summary What do you expect to see on a farm? Write or draw it