Presented by Liyusew Ayalew & Gezahegne Kebede (EIAR) (HARC) at the Inception meeting for the ‘Fodder and feed in livestock value chains in Ethiopia’ project ILRI, Addis Ababa, February 2012
About Holetta Altitude: m above sea level Latitude :- 9 o 00’N Longitude:- : 38 o 30’E Annual Rainfall : mm Farming system-Crop livestock farming system Location -western side of Addis Abeba on the highway from Addis to Ambo road Distance from Addis Abeba –Around 38 km
Production aspects Who are dairy producers? Smallholder farmMedium farmLarge scale farm holding <5 x breed dairy cows and producing both crop and Livestock (Individual) holding>5 to 10 x breed dairy cows mostly found in and around urban Area (Subsistence) holding >10 x breed dairy cows mainly targeting profit from dairy Products (commercial)
Breeds Smallholder farmMedium farmLarge scale farm Local breeds X breeds (50% Frisian crosses) X breeds (50,75 & above 75% Frisian crosses) X breeds (75 & above 75% Frisian crosses)
Health status Smallholder farmMedium farmLarge scale farm Internal and external parasite cuffing Internal and external parasite Cuffing Death at delivery Feed poising complaints Blindness Foot and mouth Cuffing Death at delivery Calves death Foot and mouth
Feeding: Small holder Feed type and its source NoTypes of feed Feed sources Where it acmes from 1 Basal diet Grazing, weed Hay Green feed Straw Oats hay Own Communal grazing farm and land Part of his Farm land(kello) Part of his Farm land Crop residue Sown for feed 2Supplementary feed Wheat bran Cereal halls Attela Salt Green feed Purchased Own processed Purchased Owen planted Flour factory 2 Nd grade grains Home made local beer Retailers Back yarded improved forage
Medium Dairy Farm Feed type and its source……….. NoTypes of feed Feed sources Where it acmes from 1 Basal diet Hay Crop residue Purchased Retailers Surrounding farmers 2 Supplementary feed Oil seed cake Wheat bran Pulse halls Attela Salt Purchased Edible oil factory Flour factory Bean and lintel grinding mills From home made local bear Retailers
Large scale Farm Feed type and its source Types of feed Feed sourcesWhere it acmes from Basal diet Hay Supplementary feed Oil seed cake Wheat bran Concentrate Pulse halls Salt Molasses Brewery grains Purchased Wholesalers Edible oil factory Flour factory Feed industries Bean and lintel grinding mills Retailers Sugar factories Bear processing factory
Feed at medium dairy farm
Basal diet at large scale farm
Main production problems and possible solutions for the input supply At small holder level(individuals) ProblemPossible Solution High feed price but less milk priceStrengthen of the linkage between farm HHs to inputs and outputs market ether in buying selling, Shortage of grazing and hay productions land Strengthen backyard improved forage production Milk Price is decided by purchasers Price should be negotiable and needs regular price monitoring AI, Vaccine and health service Problem Strengthen AI and health service at PA level and Regular professional visits Source for improved breeds,if Found highly expensive Improved breed production should be encouraged on private and government level
Inputs or services Who supplies AI/natural mating? Most of the dairy producers are getting AI service from district ministry of agriculture Very few are using natural mating from their own selected bull Very few are using AI and natural mating from their Owen farm level
Drags and vaccine Drags -from private Animal drag shop Vaccine -from Government institute and private drags shop
Equipment and other inputs? Small holders –Uses from their Owen locally made equipments and purchased from local markets Medium and large scale farms- From foreign and domestic markets
What is the main possible solution for input supply? Sustainable system should be develop to link input suppliers with producers More attention should be given to the sector
Processing/marketing Main marketing channels for smallholders Producers Processers Consumers Roadside collectors supermarkets Hotel cafe Consumer s Locally processed Local market near by Consumers Hotels Collectors Whole sellers Retailers unions Processers Supermar kets Consumer s Cooperative
Processing/marketing Main marketing channels for medium farms Producers Roadside collectors Processers Supermarkets Consumers Hotel, cafes
Processing/marketing Main marketing channels for Large scakle farms Processing unit supermark ets Consumers Producers Road side collectors Processers Supermarkets Consumers Hotels, cafes Consumers Processers Superma rkets Consumers
Who are the main market actors? At Small holder levelAt medium farm levelLarge scale farm level Road side milk collection Cooperatives Hotels, cafes unions Tea rooms Individual HHs Milk collection unions came and purchase at farm gate Service centers such as Hotels, restaurants, kafes Milk processing companies came and purchase at the farm get Service centers such as Hotels, restaurants, karees
What are the main problems associated with marketing and how might be solved Main problemsHow it might be solved Low price of milkPrice should be negotiable also needs regular Price monitaring High price of feed, drags, vaccineNeeds Government attention, strengthening partnerships linkage Short shelf life of milk and milk product Needs training on means of extending shelf life of the product
Thank you!