Non-Fiction Unit – Part One
Questions for ASPCA’s “Dog Fighting FAQ”
Question 1 The information in this passage is organized by which of the following formats? A. Paragraphs B. Descriptive C. Question & Answer D. Newspaper Article
Question 2 When examining the organization of the ASPCA’s “Dog Fighting FAQ,” what type of non-fiction is it? A. Description B. Sequence C. Comparison D. Cause & Effect E. Problem & Solution
Question 3 Which of the following statements does NOT appear in the section “Are There Different Levels of Dog Fighting”? A. “Street” fights involves the most organized type of dog fighting B. “Professional” dogfighters often have a large number of animals and earn a living this way C. “Street” fighters sometimes rely on cruel methods to encourage their dogs to fight. D. “Hobbyist” fighters are more organized, with one or more dogs participating in several organized fights a year as a sideline for both entertainment and to attempt to supplement income.
Question 4 How many people are involved in dog fighting in the U. S.? A B. 1,000+ C. 10,000+ D. 100,000+
Question 5 What other crimes are associated with dog fighting? (Circle all that apply.) A. Drug violations B. Alcohol violations C. Weapons violations D. Assault and/or homicide
Question 6 The most common breed of dog used in dog fighting is the American Pit Bull Terrier, however, any dog can behave aggressively, depending on… (Circle all that apply.) A. His breed B. His genetic background C. His upbringing D. His environment
Question 7 The internet has impacted the dog fighting culture in which of the following ways? (Circle all that apply.) A. Accessing advertisements and buying puppies is easier than ever. B. Dog fighters can more rapidly exchange information about animals and fights. C. Information about dog fighting is more accessible to the public thus creating awareness. D. People place bets on dog fights (on-line gambling)
Question 8 Which of the following is an example of the OVERALL MAIN IDEA from the “Dog Fighting FAQ” website? A. The number of people involved in dog fighting in the U. S. in the tens of thousands. B. The causes and effects of dog fighting are numerous and dog fighting is wrong. C. Dog fighting has been reported in urban, suburban, and rural settings in all regions of the country. D. The ASPCA recommends the formation of local or state task forces to address dog fighting.
Questions for poem “Born a Pit Bull”
Question 9 What type of poem is “Born a Pit Bull”? A. Ballad B. Narrative C. Free verse D. Sonnet E. Haiku
Question 10 What is the SETTING of the poem? A. A dog’s grave site B. The training headquarters of a dog fighting enterprise C. A shelter for neglected animals D. The pits
Question 11 Which of the following is the speaker’s BIGGEST CONFLICT (meaning which one directly affects the way he is forced to live on a daily basis?) A. Dog v. self B. Dog v. dog C. Dog v. owner D. Dog v. society
Question 12 Which of the following choices BEST depicts the inconsistent mood (to mimic the range of emotions that the speaker feels) in the poem? A. Neglected/ confused hopeful desperate abandoned forgiving B. Forgiving hopeful neglected/confused abandoned desperate C. Hopeful neglected/confused abandoned desperate Forgiving
Question 13 Which of the following is NOT a symbol in the poem? A. The pit where the dogs fight B. The pit bull/speaker C. The pit bull’s owner D. Heaven E. They are ALL symbols
Question 14 Why did the setting and speaker of the poem affect the reader? A. Made it more emotional B. Gave the dog’s perspective C. A talking dog can’t be taken seriously D. Both A & B E. Both A & C
Questions for Newspaper Articles about Dog Fighting: Michael Vick DMX the “Dog Wars” App
Questions to Highlight from Articles Michael Vick Article #1 : Question #s 1. (a.-c.), 5, & 8 Article #2: Question #s 3 & 6 Article #3: Question #1 DMX Article #1:None Article #2:Question #s 1 & 3 Article #3: Items 1 and 5 (last one on page) “Dog Wars” (Dog Fighting App) Article #1:Question #s 1, 2, & 5 Article #2:Question #s 2, 4, & 6