Sentences and Sentence Fragments
Sentence- a word group that contains a subject and a verb and that expresses a complete thought Begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation mark The final score. The final score is on the board. Sentence
Sentence fragment- a word group that looks like a sentence but does not have both a subject and a verb and does not express a complete thought Visited an old Spanish mission in San Diego. Sentence Fragment
my aunt, my uncle, and my cousins at their house in the country last weekend. After dinner, Aunt Marie told me about the history of the shar-pei breed. Bred these dogs in China. Protected them from injury during a fight. Sentence or Fragment?
Run! The broken stairs. Be quiet. For her. What about these?
Subject Subject- tells whom or what the sentence is mostly about Hint: To find the subject, ask yourself who or what is doing something or about whom or what is being said Ex: My best friend sits next to me in science class. [Who sits? My best friend sits.] Ex: Science class is very interesting this year. [What is interesting? Science class is] Subject
What is the subject? 1. Many games use rackets and paddles. 2. Tennis can be an exhausting sport. 3. Badminton rackets don’t weigh very much. 4. Table-tennis paddles are covered with rubber. 5. Racquetball uses special rackets. 6. The Korean market is closed today. What is the subject? Review
Declarative- makes a statement and ends with a period Imperative- gives a command or makes a request Interrogative- asks a question and ends with a question mark Exclamatory- shows excitement or strong feeling and ends with an exclamation mark Pg 65 text Types of Sentences
Get with a partner. You will complete a 4 panel comic strip about a day at school. In each panel you must have a picture and one of each type of sentence. Assignment