Applied Psychology Kendall Carney
History of Applied Psychology Founder: Hugo Münsterberg Moved from Germany in 19 th century Originally studied philosophy He started with writing magazine articles discussing: - Legal aspects of testimony - Confessions - Courtroom procedures Later wrote a book called On the Witness Stand
Areas of Psychology include Clinical Psychology Industrial and Organization Psychology Occupational Health Psychology Human Factors Forensic Psychology Engineer Psychology
Facial Action Coding System Founder: Paul Ekman Founded in 1976 Used to read and categorize microexpressions
Microexpressions A facial expression made by someone unknowingly and is incredibly brief (shows the emotion they are feeling) Almost impossible to avoid or to fake Examples: - Disgust - Fear - Anger - Sadness - Happiness - Contempt - Surprise
Body Language Body language can also be used in applied psychology Non-verbal communication, done subconsciously Examples: - Body Posture - Gestures - Facial Expressions - Eye Movement
Bibliography g_System