KS1 Information Sessions for Parents KS1 SATs
Why are children assessed in Year 2? At the end of KS1, it is statutory for teachers to summarise their judgements on each child, taking into account his/her progress and performance throughout the key stage. This year, for the final time, these assessments will be based upon the ‘old’ National Curriculum levels. Next year’s seven year olds will be assessed on the new National Curriculum which was introduced this year. The current Year 2s and Year 6s have been taught the ‘old’ curriculum this year. Each child will be given an ‘old’ National Curriculum level for: Speaking and Listening Reading Writing Mathematics Science
‘Old’ National Curriculum Levels W (P Levels) 1 (1c,1b,1a) 2c 2b 2a 3 The national expectation for an average level of attainment by end of Year 2 is Level 2b. In any class of children there is a wide spread of ability and Valley pupils have been set personal target levels, based upon their attainment at the end of Reception and throughout Year 1. These are the targets you will have received on the interim reports from Parent’s Meetings.
How are the children assessed? Ongoing teacher assessment – based upon the work pupils do in class and the assessments they have undertaken as part of their usual lessons. SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) tests and tasks taken in May (see over) for English and Maths. Teachers then use all this information to make a judgement on levels. Science and Speaking and Listening are levelled purely by teacher assessment.
Tasks and Tests Subject Tasks and Tests for 2015 Levels covered Period of use Maths Spelling test Levels 1-3 W/B 5th May Reading comprehension test Level 2 & 3 English W/B 11th May Maths tasks Level 1 Writing task- 1 long, approx. 45 minutes 1 short, approx. 30 minutes W/B 18th May Reading tasks Level 1 & 2 Throughout May
Reading Tasks (Levels 1 and 2) For this assessment, children will choose a book from specially selected collection; then read 1-1 with the teacher. The teacher marks off which words the child reads accurately and which they need help with. The teacher also assesses how well the children can talk about what the book is about and how they respond what they have read.
Reading Comprehension Tests In this test, children are required to read a text then answer questions by themselves. There is a mixture of multiple choice questions, matching questions and written answers. There are two levels of test; Level 2 and Level 3. Children may sit either or both, depending upon our teacher assessment. Please look at the example tests on the table. Spelling and handwriting are not included in the marking, but we encourage the children to be as clear as they can.
Writing Tasks There are two writing tasks for the children to do; one ‘long’ and one ‘short’. The teacher introduces the subject of the writing and allows plenty of time for discussion and planning. The children then write their piece independently, just as they do in ‘Big Write’. The assessment is focussed on: - content and organisation of the whole piece - sentence structure and punctuation - use of vocabulary Generally, 45 minutes writing time is sufficient for the long task and 30 minutes for the short, but more time can be given if needed. Spelling is not marked within the two writing tasks as there is a separate spelling test which forms a small proportion of the writing mark. Handwriting is marked within the long and short writing tasks, forming a small proportion of the mark.
Mathematics Test This is test with two parts; five mental maths questions followed by a longer section with questions for the children to read and work out. Help is given with reading where needed. There are two levels of test; Level 2 and Level 3. Children may sit either or both, depending upon our teacher assessment. Please look at the example tests on the table. Spelling and handwriting are not included in the marking, but we encourage the children to be as clear as they can.
Mathematics Task For children working within Level 1, there is a practical maths task with a short written part.
What happens next? Parents receive the teacher assessed levels in their child’s end of year report. The same levels are sent to the Local Authority, who use the data as a whole to compare Valley pupils with other schools in Bromley and nationally. BUT - these levels will no longer be used to track your children’s progress through KS2, as they are based upon the ‘old’ National Curriculum. After SATs the teachers will start to look at the children’s attainment against statements which are based upon the new National Curriculum, ready to inform the Year 3 teachers. We are holding a meeting for parents about the new assessment scales we are using on Tuesday 2nd June, so look out for a letter soon.
How might the tests feel different for the children ? The timetable will change. They have to work by themselves and cannot get help with working out answers. They will work in silence for a sustained period of time. They will sit by themselves.
What have we been doing at school prior to the tests? Including test style questions within lessons, discussing methods and strategies. Giving ‘practise’ tests, helping the children get used to working independently and silently. Talking to the children about what to expect, building confidence and discussing any worries.
What will we do at school during the tests? Do some tests in smaller groups. Ensure children understand the instructions and know when they CAN ask for help. Read questions when needed for maths tests. Provide breaks.
What can you do at home? Continue with reading and asking questions about the book. Discuss what they liked or disliked about the book and why. Who? What? When? Why? How? Encourage children to independently read an unseen text as well as sharing familiar books together.
What can you do at home? Talk about maths as part of every day life – with money, time, measures and shape. Many of the questions ask children to apply their knowledge to a context. Take opportunities for fun mental maths games with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
What can you do at home? Ensure children have plenty of sleep and a good breakfast! Provide a named bottle of water for your child to have during the assessment activities. Help them feel confident, alleviate any anxieties.
FAQs What if my child is ill? It is best if all the children are in school for the two main SATs weeks, but if children are very poorly, they won’t do their best in the test or task. We can catch them up later. Are the tests timed? No, the children can have as much time as they need. But if a child needs a disproportionate amount of time we may decide they have done their best and leave it. What if children get stuck on a question? In the maths tests, we are able to help with reading questions and where to put answers. We are not able to help with explaining vocabulary or with working out. In reading tests, we do practice questions together and introduce the texts; then the children work completely independently.
Thank you for your time.