MOVIES, MAPS AND MEMORIES: extending our collections, refining our services PRDLA 2010 Brian Flaherty Associate University Librarian (Digital Services)
New Zealand’s largest university Universitas 21/APRU Partner The University of Auckland
1. Movies
Television Vault
Digital Asset Management Digitool Final Cut Server EPG metadata MP4 2.5 Mbps h.264 video 128kbps, 48Khz audio Flash Streaming Server 40 TB SAN storage
Collection Development
The Chapman Archive...more than 55,000 hours of radio and television broadcasting, dating back to the 1960s. Since mid-1984 the recording of news and current affairs programmes has been continuous.
2. Map projects
NZ Govt Map series
Map Project
3. Memories
Institutional Memory
A History of the University
4. Mobile
The Library on your mobile phone search the Catalogue, renew books & more…
Mobile Application or Mobile-friendly web site? Outsourced development – Boopsie Cross platform development Catalogue re-indexed Predictive searching RSS feeds – new books, Library Locator (GPS) Book a Library Course University Mobile strategy....?
5. Managing Research
Research Management SystemResearch Repository
Funding environment creates a driver for research management systems including management of research outputs Government and other funding bodies requirement for improved performance Government wanting to see higher profile internationally for NZ research Higher profile of institutional research on the web also required because of ranking system developments
Library-based Research Repositories – primarily “Open Access” with some “Dark Archive ” Sharing and standards for interchange built into systems Archive the collective outputs of University staff and make them harvestable where appropriate Research Management Systems – primarily internally focused with reports for external requirements Funding & Grant Tracking Proposal Tracking Resources and compliance Reporting & Research Evaluation
Which piece of the puzzle is common? Research Outputs Library based Research Repositories Sharing and standards for interchange Archive the collective outputs of University staff Research Management Systems Funding & Grant Tracking Proposal Tracking Resources and compliance Reporting & Research Evaluation
Background on the Research+ Project at UoA During 2009 the University of Auckland began a process to implement a new Research Management System using InfoEd (US) In 2010 decision made to use Symplectic Elements (UK) for research publications module of the overall system Symplectic will become the integration layer as data entered into this system can be offered up for re-use in other systems (eg InfoEd grants module) and it comes with an “out of the box” (SWORD) upload facility so full text can be uploaded to the existing University of Auckland DSpace repository – ResearchSpace
Symplectic Elements –Spinout from Imperial College London 2003 –Their flagship product
What does it do? Tool to manage ‘Research Outputs’ –Publications Books, journal articles, performances, exhibitions etc –Peer Esteem / Contributions to the Research Environment Prizes, awards, panel memberships, fellowships etc AKA ‘Academic Profile’ »Teaching duties »Areas of expertise »Personal research statements
How the model works Citation databases WOS, Scopus, PubMed Research Outputs Module Symplectic Elements ResearchSpace DSpace Repository Management reporting Web Visibility Researcher Web Pages 2 way flow Deposit entry point in the RO Module, uses SWORD protocol for deposit API services and direct exports populated with data from RO Module
Problems solved using integrated model Metadata is entered once only and flows into other systems Accurate well formed data is sourced from indexing services/publishers/suppliers wherever possible Full text can be uploaded at anytime and the repository acts as a file store for the system Two way connection between the Research Publications system (Symplectic) and the Research Repository (Dspace) so Permanent URL can be exchanged, & if records are deleted the change flows back to the other system
The BeSTGRID Data GRID: Over 100 Terabytes of Data Storage for Research Data distributed between Auckland, Canterbury and Massey. Austronesian Basic Vocabulary and Bantu Language Databases Austronesian Basic Vocabulary and Bantu Language Databases New Zealand Biomirror BeSTGRID BLAST Server New Zealand Social Sciences Data Service Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) Landcare Research Databases and Collections GeoNet Earthquake Resources GeoNet Volcano Resources GeoNet Landslide Resources GeoNet Tsunami Resources
Kia Ora Koutou Katoa