Agriculture in the WAA Headwaters Economics is an independent, nonprofit research group. Our mission is to improve community development and land management decisions in the West. Megan Lawson, PhD
Farming Employment Today Farming is a relatively small sector across the WAA, with the exception of Coconino County (Flagstaff)
Long-term Farming Employment Trends Farming employment has increased nearly 700% in Coconino County since None others have seen such a dramatic change.
Long-term Farming Employment Trends Farming employment has declined in most counties from a high in The exception is Denver County, in which farming employment has increased by about 50%. There are still few farms in Denver, but it raises the question about opportunities for urban, smaller-scale farming.
Farming Wages are Increasing Average annual wages for those employed in farming is increasing in both crop and animal production
Small Farmers: Growing Across the WAA Farm proprietors are individuals self-employed as non-corporate farm owners. These are likely the small-scale operators selling through farmers’ markets and other direct sales. While overall farming employment has decreased in the past several decades, farm proprietorship across the WAA is increasing.
Proprietors Wages Are Decreasing Although average annual wages are increasing, proprietors are receiving a smaller share of all farm earnings.
What are farms producing? WAA, 2007 All Crop Production32.8% Oilseed & Grain Farming1.2% Vegetable & Melon Farming4.7% Fruit & Nut Tree Farming5.5% Greenhouse, Nursery, etc.4.0% Other Crop Farming17.4% All Animal Production67.2% Beef Cattle Ranch. & Farm.23.8% Cattle Feedlots1.0% Dairy Cattle & Milk Prod.1.2% Hog & Pig Farming1.0% Poultry & Egg Production3.2% Sheep & Goat Farming7.5% Aquaculture & Other Prod.29.6%
Receipts for animals & crops are growing Across the WAA, receipts from animal and crop production is growing In Salt Lake, Las Vegas, El Paso, the Front Range, and Santa Fe, crop production has grown considerably while livestock production has declined or stayed constant. In several cases, crop receipts now exceed livestock receipts.
Changes in land use Land is being converted to residential use rapidly across the West, particularly in larger, less urban counties. Land conversion could affect local food production if valuable agricultural land is converted to residential development.