WWW. M innesota n ational g uard.org
www. M innesota N ational G uard.org Agenda Why the National Guard is Different Minnesota National Guard Organization State Mission Federal Mission Reintegration Questions
www. M innesota N ational G uard.org The guard is different FEDERAL STATE Reserve and Active Duty Components MN National Guard Soldiers and Airmen Homeland Security Homeland Defense Natural Disasters War Deploy Peacekeeping
www. M innesota N ational G uard.org Air Guard Organization Air National Guard 133 rd Airlift Wing – St. Paul, MN 1,280 Airmen Fly the newest C-130H in Air Force inventory 148 th Fighter Wing – Duluth, MN 1,065 Airmen Air Sovereignty Transitioned to newer F-16C Jets Combat Air Patrols Combat Missions in Iraq TOTAL 2,345 Airmen
Army Guard Organization Army National Guard 34 th Infantry Division Headquarters 1 st Brigade Combat Team, 34 th Infantry Division 34 th Combat Aviation Brigade 84 th Troop Command 347 th Regional Support Group 175 th Regimental Training Institute Camp Ripley Joint Force Headquarters TOTAL 11,374 www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Total Strength AIR NATIONAL GUARD –133rd Airlift Wing (Twin Cities) 1,280 –148th Fighter Wing (Duluth) 1,065 TOTAL 2,345 ARMY NATIONAL GUARD –34th Infantry Division Headquarters st Brigade Combat Team, 34 th Infantry Division 5, th Combat Aviation Brigade 1,367 –84 th Troop Command 1,694 –347 th Regional Support Group 946 –175 th Regional Training Institute 61 –Camp Ripley 265 TOTAL 11,374 JOINT FORCE HEADQUARTERS –Army 511 –Air 33 TOTAL 544 STATE TOTAL 14,263 www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Under state law, the National Guard provides protection of life, property and preserves peace, order and public safety. The mission is accomplished through emergency relief support during natural disasters such as floods, forest fires; search and rescue operations; support to civil defense authorities; maintenance of vital public services and counter drug operations. State Mission www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Grand Total 9,168 State Mission- Man Days 2002Searched for lost hunter, Wildfire suppression support, Natural disaster relief 1, Security for critical facilities Dropped over 22,680 gallons of water to suppress Natural disaster relief after tornado3, Search for missing person, Nuclear Power Plant Security Airport Security, Air fire suppression 1, Wildfire suppression, Winter storm assistance, Temporary housing for hurricane survivors 1, Flood fight, Wildfire suppression,1,183 Fire operations in Boundary Waters Canoe Area 2007 Southern Minnesota Blizzard, UND Plane Crash Recovery, 1,473 Flood fight in southern Minnesota 2008 Air Search and Recovery, Winter storm assistance 32 www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Joint Task Force RNC www. M innesota N ational G uard.org The 2008 Republican National Convention showcased the Minnesota National Guard’s capability to support civil authorities. The National Guard backed up civilian agencies when the situation required and was ready to stand up significant support in the event of a catastrophe. F-16s from the 148th Fighter Wing were assigned the duty of enforcing temporary flight restrictions established by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Then The Guard’s planned role was a Strategic Reserve force whose wartime function was to deploy in the later stages of a major conflict if neededNow An Operational Force – an Integral part of the Army & Air Force Represents over 50% of ground forces in Iraq Engaged world-wide Relevant force: serving communities, state and nation Federal Mission www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
2001Air Guard 342 Army Guard Air Guard 693 Army Guard Air Guard 771 Army Guard 2, Air Guard 1,055 Army Guard 1, Air Guard 1,070 Army Guard 2, Air Guard 546 Army Guard Air Guard 636 Army Guard 3, Air Guard 1,564 Army Guard 1,300 Grand Total: 19,865 Federal Mission www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Federal Missions ItalyIsraelJordanKosovoKuwaitNetherlandsNorwayPortugal Puerto Rico Qatar Saudi Arabia Sinai Peninsula TurkeyUAE United States Since 2001, MN National Guard as served in 33 Countries Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) More than 300 Airmen from the 133rd Airlift Wing deployed to Afghanistan providing critical aerial transportation of personnel, equipment and cargo in In addition, 32 Soldiers from the 147 th Personnel Services Battalion provided administrative, human resource and postal support for a 27,000- person task force. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Approximately 1,300 Soldiers and more than 400 Airmen deployed to various parts of Iraq in Operation Noble Eagle (ONE) The 148 th Fighter Wing continues its home-station Air Sovereignty Alert (ASA) mission having F-16 pilots and maintenance personnel on alert status 24-hours a day to respond to suspicious activity or emergencies determined by NORAD. The 148 th Fighter Wing flew 208 sorties or 397-hrs in 2008 and has flown 2,203 sorties or 6,312.1-hrs since September 11, Security Force (SFOR) & Kosovo Force (KFOR) In 2008, more than 400 Minnesota National Guard Soldiers from the Mankato-based 2 nd Battalion, 135 th Infantry Regiment were responsible for peacekeeping operations in Kosovo. During the Minnesotans’ tour, Kosovo declared its independence. Operation Jump Start (OJS) More than 170 Soldiers and Airmen from the Minnesota National Guard deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border supporting border construction near Deming and Santa Fe, New Mexico, in Projects included anti-vehicle fence installation and road construction to remote entry points. www. M innesota N ational G uard.org AfghanistanAntarcticaBosniaBulgariaCanadaColumbiaCroatiaCubaCuracao El Salvador EnglandFranceGermanyHondurasIraq
State Missions 63 Training Areas add value to each community by providing armories, air bases and local training areas to train more than 13,600 Soldiers and Airmen from across the state. Armories host a variety of community events - - from ceremonies to wedding receptions - - the doors are open to serve the community 365 days a year. “Protection of life, property, persons, peace and order, and public safety” www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Looking ahead Returning Troops Defense Growth Partnership Construction www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon The Minnesota National Guard has pioneered a program in hopes of changing how Soldiers and Airmen are reintegrated back to their communities. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Called Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, the program is named as a reminder that the support of Soldiers cannot end when they return from deployment and the yellow ribbons are untied. Reintegration for RETURNING Troops www. M innesota N ational G uard.org
Family Reintegration Academy The Minnesota National Guard is conducting Family Reintegration Academies to prepare family members for the homecoming of their Soldiers, and to inform them on what they can do to make this transition as easy as possible. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon www. M innesota N ational G uard.org Reintegration for RETURNING Troops Community Reintegration Training. Educate community leaders about challenges of reintegration, and what they can do to assist combat veterans and their families successfully reintegrate back into the community.
Training Event- 30 Days after return Reconnect Soldiers and families with service providers through workshops and round-robin stations. Allows for more personal contact with service providers. Training Event- 60 Days after return This is a unit-focused event that includes the Post Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA) and Tuberculosis (TB) tine testing. Training Event- 90 Days after return Conduct a thorough Post Deployment Health Re-assessment (PDHRA) of combat veterans. Monthly Individual Reintegration Training (MIRT) MIRT is a 1 day reintegration training event for an individual returning Servicemembers. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon www. M innesota N ational G uard.org Reintegration for RETURNING Troops
WWW. M innesota n ational g uard.org