Creating, developing and exploiting an event’s or sports brand Sportaccord 2003
Significance of “Brand” Three part approach to the creation of a sport’s brand Three part approach to the creation of a sport’s brand Objective Objective Target Target Identity Identity
Objective and target What do you want the sport/event to achieve? What do you want the sport/event to achieve? Who do you want to appeal to most? Who do you want to appeal to most? Once you know the objectives and the target – then you build the brand identity Once you know the objectives and the target – then you build the brand identity The brand is a representation of the overall objective focused towards the target audience The brand is a representation of the overall objective focused towards the target audience
Brand identity Brand identity comes from brand as: Brand identity comes from brand as: Product Product Organization Organization Person Person Symbol Symbol Source: David Aaker, Building strong brands Source: David Aaker, Building strong brands Create a “personality” for your sport or event Create a “personality” for your sport or event
Brand identity Create a product that is – Create a product that is – Distinctive Distinctive Exclusive Exclusive The world has enough sporting events The world has enough sporting events Without differentiation you are lost Without differentiation you are lost Give people a reason to get involved Give people a reason to get involved
Go beyond the physical event to create value Passion Passion Speed Speed Power Power Grace Grace Money Money
Sell the emotional experience Wimbledon represents refinement Strawberries and cream, anyone? Strawberries and cream, anyone? The Olympic Games “celebrate humanity”
Build distinctions Create traditions Create traditions
Show commitment “off the field” Create community based events Create community based events Parades Parades Charity events Charity events Pro/am’s Pro/am’s
Emotional branding leads to emotional bonding “Only when a product or service kindles an emotional dialogue with the consumer, can this product or service qualify to be a brand” “Only when a product or service kindles an emotional dialogue with the consumer, can this product or service qualify to be a brand” Emotional branding, Gobe Emotional branding, Gobe
And now a word from our sponsor Sponsors are an extension of your communication program Sponsors are an extension of your communication program They do not own your brand They do not own your brand But, let them borrow it But, let them borrow it Sponsors can add value Sponsors can add value Make them your branding partner Make them your branding partner
Summary Your main focus is on developing and delivering a sport/event Your main focus is on developing and delivering a sport/event However…….. However…….. the way to maximize your value is to build a brand
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