By: Claire Thornborough
Founder: Jesus Christ Name of Deity: God Leadership: Clergy, priests, ministers Holly book: Bible Followers world wide: 2.1 billion
There is only one God He watches over and cares for his people Jesus Christ was the son of God He died to save humanity from sin His death and resurrection made eternal life possible for others Some of their most prominent symbols are Ornate cross Fish
Founder: Muhammad Name of Deity: God (Allah in Arabic) Leadership: Does not have clergy Holy Book: Quran Followers world wide: 1.2 billion
People achieve salvation by following the five Pillars of Islam and living a just or good life. They are: 1. Faith 2. Almsgiving-charity for the poor 3. Fasting- which Muslims preform during the month of Ramada 4. Pilgrimage-to Mecca at least once in their lifetime 5. Prayer-five times a day Muslims face Mecca where ever they are in the world and pray Mecca
Founder: Abraham Name of Deity: God or Yahweh in Hebrew Leadership: Rabbis Holy book: Torah and the Hebrew Bible Followers world wide: 14 million Abraham Torah
There is only one God, who watches over and protects his people. God may love and protect his people but he will also hold them accountable for their sins and short comings. People serve God by studying the Torah and living by its teachings. Star of David
Founder: There is no one founder the belief developed over thousands of years. Name of Deity: they have three main Gods they are -Brahma -Vishnu -Shiva Leadership: Guru, Holy Man, Brahmin, Priest Holy Book: There is no one book but some are -Vedas -Puranas Followers world wide: 900 million (roughly) Brahma
The soul never dies but is continually reborn. People achieve happiness from enlightenment after they free themselves form their earthly desires. Freedom of earthly desires comes from a lifetime or worship, knowledge and virtuous actions. Some symbols for Hinduism are Swastika Om
Founder: Siddhartha and Gautama Name of Deity: Does not teach of a personal deity Leadership: Buddhist monks and nuns Holy Book: The perfection of Wisdom Sutra Followers world wide: 400 million Buddhist Monk
People achieve complete peace and happiness (Nirvana) by eliminating their attachment to worldly things. Nirvana is reached by following the Noble Eight Fold Path Right views Right aspirations Right speech Right conduct Right livelihood Right endeavor Right mindfulness Right meditation Dharma Wheel