Wales Deanery Induction Day Nazar Amso Wales Deanery Ultrasound Lead
Format of All Modules Knowledge criteria Clinical competency Professional skills and attitudes Training support Evidence support
Basic early pregnancy ultrasound (8-12 weeks) RCOG consensus – May 2010
MODULE 1 - BASIC Early Pregnancy Ultrasound (8-12 weeks)
MODULE 1 - BASIC Early Pregnancy Ultrasound (8-12 weeks)
MODULE 2 - BASIC Ultrasound Assessment Fetus, Liquor & Placenta
Basic ultrasound assessment for fetal size, liquor and placenta RCOG consensus – May 2010
Update for Basic Ultrasound Modules (Module 1 & 2) RCOG, June Basic early pregnancy ultrasound (8-12 weeks) & Basic ultrasound assessment for fetal size, liquor and placenta Completion of the basic modules is a very important achievement and can act as a stepping stone for further supervised training. Completion does not imply that a trainee is automatically ready for independent practice in diagnostic ultrasound (particularly in out of hours unsupervised assessment in early pregnancy). Assessment before 8 weeks gestation and use of transvaginal ultrasound is not covered within the present basic modules Care should be taken in delegating decisions about clinical management to trainees who have completed only the basic modules (particularly where management relies on the ultrasound findings). The expected utilization of ultrasound skills should be determined and agreed at all times by the local ultrasound supervisor in the context of local protocols for ultrasound scanning.
MODULE 3 - INTERMEDIATE Ultrasound of Normal Fetal Anatomy
Ultrasound Training in Wales Ultrasound Specialty Study Days (one day) – December 2010 – January 2011 – 19 th August 2011 – 28 th October 2011 – 28 th September 2012 Deanery support – Ultrasound simulators in Wrexham, Swansea and Cardiff at UHW and Welsh Institute Women’s Health (WIWH) – Deanery supported PhD project on the role of ultrasound simulation in the acquisition of practical skills (Miss Amal Alsalama) Local short courses in Cardiff, Wrexham and Newport
Ultrasound Training in Wales Different hospitals have different arrangements – Specially set up clinics or attendance at early pregnancy assessment units – Attendance with sonographers in standard clinics – Consultants scanning sessions – Trained Registrars (Ultrasound demonstrators) Practice on simulators – virtual or mannequins
North Wales – Wrexham Kalpana Upadahya Gwent – Leena Gokhale Royal Glamorgan – Hatel Tejura Princess of Wales – Rani Nagrani Swansea – Marsham Moselhi Carmarthen – Roopam Goel Haverfood West – Debashish Sanyal Cardiff and Vale – Anju Sinha All Wales Ultrasound Lead Nazar Amso Your Contacts in the Deanery training hospitals
Enjoy your stay and training in Wales & Please send me your name, hospital and contact details ASAP to Thank You