Points to consider Different stages of the lesson plan Clear, specific objectives - learning outcomes Appropriate activities at each stage Adapting of lesson plans for mixed ability learners
Format: Lesson Plan Stages: – Set induction – Presentation Stage – Closure
Set induction Set induction = Pre-presentational stage Lead in before the lesson begins Arouse interest Focus attention to present Use students’ background knowledge brief but effective
Presentation stage Lesson Plan : Set Induction/Pre-presentational 3 main Stages: Pre- reading While reading Post reading Closure
Important stage Conclusion, wrapping-up T : opportunity to reinforce brief and effective
General Objective broad objectives : more like goals General Objective: Discuss about characters and events in the story Specific objectives: At the end of the lesson students should be able to: talk about people, they know or events in their own life similar to characters or events depicted in the text
Specific Objective – Behaviourial – Measurable – avoid vague verbs: Understand, appreciate, experience
Specific objectives Skills based approach: – Identify – List – Sequence – Rank – Present/express a viewpoint – State reasons – Drwa conclusions – describe
Setting objectives What do you want to teach? content of lesson Syllabus for Level (Form 1-5?) Proficiency (Provision for Mixed ability class)
Mixed ability class T needs to put in effort Differentiation in ESL (look this up) Eg: Gap-filling activity: Good students – no clues, words to help S Average/Poor – clues : deleted words are adjectives Other measures?
Other points to consider Teaching aids Classroom management – a time estimate for your lesson plan – How are students organised for different activities?
Questioning Questioning strategies? Types of questions? – Lower, Higher order – Convergent, Divergent – Bloom’s – Socratic
Voice Pacing – (speed) Use of silence, pauses Volume and pitch Intonation etc
Assessment and evaluation Teaching (self) Learning (students) – How do you check for students understanding? – What have you learnt about yourself? – Self questioning/refelective teaching
MISTAKES: 1. The objective does not specify what the student will actually do that can be observed. Remember, an objective is a description of what a student does basis for making an inference about learning. Poorly written objectives lead = BAD inferences.
2. The lesson assessment disconnected from the behavior indicated in the objective. Assessment: description of how T will determine whether objective has been accomplished. must be based on the same behavior that is In the objective. Anything else is WRONG
3. The materials relevant to actual described learning activities Meaning: keep list of materials in line with what you actually plan to do. LOADS of materials does not necessarily make an outstanding Lesson
4. The instruction inefficient for level student learning – Time – Materials
5. The student activities does not contribute in a direct and effective way to lesson objective. (don't engage students in in activities just to keep them busy) should contribute accomplishing lesson objective.
The end