Transportation Tuesday TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY YOU NEVER DRIVE THE SAME ROAD EACH DAY! A Driver Is As Safe As His Most Careful Act!
Transportation Tuesday Think about it …. you could be wrong! If you think you drive the same road daily, to your office, home, or grocery shopping ……. You may be the ‘best driver’ but others, may not be … Be vigilant … Do not be complacent.… The road presents new hazards everyday... Watch out for changes …
Transportation Tuesday Hazard 1 : Road users are not the ‘same people’ every day… Driver behaviours change : A calm and happy person today, could be irritated and distracted tomorrow! Driving attitudes change : Depending on the person’s mood or frame of mind! His attitude depends on how he starts the day, his stress levels, or what’s on his mind and driving him to distraction. Time constraints overtake safety : He maybe late getting to the office, or to an appointment. New Driver on the road : New driver license, New car, or new to the city - hence insecure or hesitant. Sounds familiar ?
Transportation Tuesday Hazard 2 : Weather – Poor Visibility Rain – Slippery road surfaces and poor visibility – risk of skidding. Fog – Remember the meaning of FOG (Foot Off Gas) - poor visibility. Dusty Road – Clouds of dust or sand affect visibility. Extreme Temperature (Heat or Cold) – affects your focus, you could experience mirage effects or low visibility.
Transportation Tuesday Hazard 3 : Animals – Different Reactions Never assume that animals will move away from the road when you drive by. Camels run towards headlights at night! They tend to panic when faced with honking or oncoming vehicles. Watch out and Slow Down at the Animal Crossing signs… Those signs are put on the road for a reason – Their Safety and Yours…
Transportation Tuesday Hazard 4 : Pedestrian Reaction! There will likely be varied pedestrian reaction on the road. A safe driver will always assume responsibility for Pedestrian safety, and as a consequence, will drive ‘Defensively’. Remember : When a PEDESTRIAN is injured by a Driver, …. THE DRIVER IS ALWAYS WRONG AS PER THE LAW! Pedestrians have the right of way – Drivers are allowed to use the road as a privilege, – on condition, they respect the rights and safety of all other road users.
Transportation Tuesday