Monarch Butterfly Milkweed Genus Danaus plexippus Species dandanie Food Web Food Chain Life Cycle other facts adaptations habitat
Bibliography Hampton, Mark. Monarch Butterflies. Brooklyn: Walt Halton, 1997.
Food Web This creature the Monarch Butterfly eats milkweed, Berries, and ants. This creature is eating by the preying mantes witch eats many butterflies and insets.
Food Chain This is the food chain that shows you what goes on in this creatures lives and what they eat to stay alive. preyengmantes Monarch butterfly ants Milkweed
Other Facts The Monarch Butterfly is the king of the insect world. Even though there small creatures, they do phenomenal things. First, they develop from tiny eggs. Then live nine weeks. Then they form into a butterflies. Did you no that a Monarch Butterfly is poisonous to predatory birds.
Habitat The Monarch Butterfly lives in Gardens, and fields. It eats nectar, milkweed, and ants. This creature lives in warm climates.
Life Cycle pupa butterflies caterpillars
ADAPTIONS Butterflies adapt to the hot weather in the spring from migrating from Mexico so the could get back to the old them. The butterflies migrate to Mexico for the winter. They come back to Texas for spring.