Cocoa & Science: Your Health’s Future Steven Warren MD DPA
Free-Radical Damage = Medical Conditions Healthy Chocolate = Free Radical-Fighting Cocoa is High in Antioxidants Cocoa’s ORAC = 10x that of Spinach
Key Benefits: Cocoa Enhances Immune Cells Function Cocoa Has Antimicrobial Properties
Cocoa protects Heart and Vascular systems Neutralizes Free Radicals Relieves Inflammation Stimulates production of Nitric Oxide Improves platelet function Decreases blood clotting Controls blood sugar levels
Cocoa Aids Muscle Recovery Enhances Energy Metabolism Improves Cardio and Lung Function
Improves Blood Flow to Brain Improves Mental Awareness Improves Mood Decreases Depression
Positive Effect on Blood-Sugar Levels Protects Blood Vessels from Scarring Minimizes Symptoms of Neuropathy Protects Against Cardiovascular Issues
Cocoa Combats Cholesterol Minimizes Cholesterol Absorption
Cocoa Inhibits Inflammation
Cocoa Protects Cells Stimulates Detoxification Enzymes Decreases Inflammation
Slows Gum-Tissue Damage Slows Tooth Decay
Cocoa Protects the Eye
Cocoa Regulates Weight-Control Genes Suppresses Appetite Reduces Cravings Stabilizes Blood-Sugar Levels
Protects from UV Radiation Minimizes Inflammation in Skin Tissue
Minimizes certain causes of stroke/dementia Improves blood flow to the brain Improves cognitive performance
Mood Eye/Visual Health Brain/Mental Function Oral Health Skin Health Cardiovascular Health Weight Control
Number of Studies Conducted
mg of Flavonoids Daily High Flavonoid Chocolate 3x per day for Maximum Health Benefits How Much Chocolate Should You Eat?