Created by Jessica Ivey Kwakiutl Created by Jessica Ivey
Location: Pacific Northwest Coast The Kwakiutl lived on or near Vancouver Island- what is now British Columbia, Canada. They built their villages along the Pacific coast and rivers, and used trees from the forests for their homes.
Food: The Kwakiutl did not farm. They were fishing people. The men caught salmon and other sea mammals with harpoons, nets, and traps in the canoes that they carved themselves from cedar trees.
Food: The women gathered clams, berries, roots, and nuts.
Clothing: The men would wear breech clout made of cedar. In winter, they would rub fat from sea mammals on their body to keep warm. Women wore skirts made of softened cedar. Both men and women would wear woven basketry hats.
Shelter: The Kwakiutls lived in coastal villages of rectangular cedar-plank houses with bark roofs called plank houses, or long houses. Usually these houses were large (up to 100 feet long) and each one housed several families from the same clan (as many as 50 people). At the entrance, there was usually a carved totem pole.