Welcome to the Writing Center With Writing Specialist Jamie Patterson
Agenda What We Do Writing Center’s Role in Student Writing Specialist Services Editor Services Writing Courses Questions
What We Do Writing Center Mission: The Walden University Writing Center is dedicated to helping students become better writers. Recognizing the importance of the written word in effecting social change, we work to provide scholar-practitioners with the tools to transform themselves and society by becoming more effective communicators. We contribute to Walden’s thriving academic community by working one on one with students online and at the university’s academic residencies. We offer Walden students advice on organization, grammar, format, and APA style, and we answer students’ questions concerning the writing process and its outcomes so that they can best contribute to ongoing scholarly dialogues within each of the university’s schools and the broader academic community.
Adhering to Walden’s Mission Statement Writing Center Mission: The Walden University Writing Center is dedicated to helping students become better writers. Recognizing the importance of the written word in effecting social change, we work to provide scholar-practitioners with the tools to transform themselves and society by becoming more effective communicators. We contribute to Walden’s thriving academic community by working one on one with students online and at the university’s academic residencies. We offer Walden students advice on organization, grammar, format, and APA style, and we answer students’ questions concerning the writing process and its outcomes so that they can best contribute to ongoing scholarly dialogues within each of the university’s schools and the broader academic community.
The Writing Center The WIRE (paper feedback, audio feedback, customized link referral) Website Use services through eCampus Instructional Handouts Videos Discussion Board Chat PPT Presentations Webinars Residencies Informal Services (Blog and Twitter) Links Templates Sample Papers Writing courses Writing Services
One-on-one Services We are all master’s-level professionals –One head guy –10 specialists –Six dissertation editors We are all individuals –Different theories –Different approaches
Specialists Goal: Writing skill development Feedback on graduate-level course papers, KAMs, theses, the dissertation prospectus, and doctoral study drafts that occur before the 8090 course Advice on APA, grammar/mechanics, clarity, word choice, academic voice, organization, and paragraph development
Accessing Specialists Paper reviews provided by reservation through the WIRE –Register –Make reservation –Upload paper for asynchronous review Short questions answered via WIRE or
STEP 1 Create an Account
Fill out all fields in the form. Use your Walden account
STEP 2 Make a Reservation
Enter the address and password you used in the registration form Select the appropriate schedule from the drop-down menu
Notification List Underneath each day’s schedule ed notification of openings Must sign into to the WIRE and secure the reservation No limit to amount of days you’re on the notification list for
You must complete each field in the form and click “Save Reservation” to successfully make a reservation
STEP 3 Upload a Paper
Fill out all fields of the form and then click “Send Paper.”
Specialist will paper back to you within 48 hours/2 business days. OK, now what?
Your paper will look something like this.
Policies No-Shows Plagiarism Yes, we will say that you can’t cut and paste But, we will work with you to learn how to do it right Consultants v. Editors for Hire Our job is to teach For full policies, go to:
Editors The Walden dissertation editors work with students during the drafting stage of their dissertation or doctoral study manuscript; we help guide them through the finer points of APA style, manuscript format, and organizing and presenting the material in a way that is clear, concise, and scholarly. Unlike most universities, whether on line or land based, Walden offers editorial assistance to students as they are developing their dissertation drafts.
Editors To make the most of our editorial services, students at the dissertation drafting stage should have command over the basic elements of academic writing, including an understanding of grammar and organization. It is the responsibility of the student to develop these writing skills prior to beginning the dissertation. Opportunities for improving writing skills are available to Walden students through the graduate writing courses. Other options for students in the initial stages of the drafting process include creating or joining a peer-review group, participating in online discussion board through eCampus, attending one of the webinars offered by the Writing Center, or hiring an editor.
Because the editor policies, as described in the WIRE Student Guide, specify that we will review one chapter per reservation and one revision of that chapter, students are advised to submit a chapter draft that is as complete as possible. We encourage students working on very early drafts to consult with their committee chair to ensure that all content elements are in place before working with an editor. Once content is in place, editors can then work to help students refine the draft to improve cohesion and flow, voice and grammar, and APA style, and make sure the draft complies with formatting guidelines. Editors
Questions? Walden Writing Center advising room Specialists: Editors: Webinar info: Website: Blog: Twitter: