Spyder Reflash Tool
Why re-flash is needed New Features Implications With the release of Zio Plus, Spyder’s firmware needed to change to make the new features available Rather than change EVERY Spyder OS number, and force customers to stock both, we’ve added the capability to re-flash the firmware in the field Implications Previous Spyder tools don’t “know” about the new firmware This would make it impossible for an existing Spyder tool to download to a newly purchased Spyder; that is not acceptable Programmer makes a choice Spyder tool could be upgraded (may require an AX upgrade) New Spyder could be re-flashed to a previous firmware which is recognized by the existing Spyder tool The added functionality of the TR71 and TR75 are not available unless using Spyders with the latest firmware and latest Spyder Tool, versions 5.200 or greater. Rather than change every OS number for Spyder, a flash tool is provided that can be used by customers to flash Spyders to a different firmware. Old Spyders can be upgraded to new Spyders to allow for new functionality, and new Spyders can be flashed “back” to older versions so that these Spyders can replace existing old spyders on a job that uses an old tool. Remember, new Spyders with the latest firmware will not be recognized by Spyder Tools version earlier than 5.200. New Spyders must use the latest Spyder tool. Whenever possible, we recommend that users upgrade the Spyder tool to get the most recent functionality. However, there may be some jobs where it is more convenient or preferred to leave the tool at an older version. New Spyders can be flashed “back” before installing to allow them to work on the new tool.
Why re-flash is needed Upgrading Firmware “upgrades” will be possible Spyders on the shelf today can be upgraded if the new features are desired As the new firmware filters into the market, a mix of firmware revisions is likely to appear on the job, so upgrading will be necessary only if the newer features are desired It is important to remember that firmware upgrades are only needed if new functionality is desired and the latest Spyder tool (version 5.200 or higher) is going to be used.
How is re-flash accomplished? Free tool with all firmware images included Windows based tool, posted on Buildings Forum Tool does expire on April 1st of every year starting in 2013 to ensure only current customers have access Tool discovers all Spyders on the Lon or BACnet network For BACnet, must have a BACnet/IP router between PC and MS/TP (e.g. Contemporary Controls router) For Lon, OpenLDV must be installed and the “USB Lon Plug” used Multiple Spyders can be selected, firmware image is chosen and the re-flash job will run for all Spyders selected Selection of multiple Spyders is limited to Spyders of the same “type” (e.g. Spyder Lon and Spyder Micro Lon are different “types” and would have to be flashed in two batches” Re-flash WILL set the Spyder to a default factory state, the control program will be deleted and the device will need to be commissioned and downloaded, just like a brand new device The free flash tool is available for download from the Buildings Forum. The tool will discover all Spyders on the Lon or BACnet network. You can flash up to 30 Spyders at a time in a batch fashion as long as they are all of the same Spyder type. After reflashing Spyders, they will be in a “factory” state. The device will need to be re-commissioned and a program downloaded, just like a brand new device.
Re-flash software compatibility Stand alone software (WEBS is NOT needed) Supports the following Windows OS’s Windows XP, SP3 Windows 7, SP1 32 and 64 bit The flash tool is a stand-alone tool, not tied to WEBs. It is supported by Windows XP and Windows 7.
Latest Spyder Firmware Compatibility Spyder Tool ≥ 5.200 Latest Spyder Firmware TR70 TR71 TR75 If you want the added functionality of the TR71 and TR75 models, be sure to use a Spyder tool version 5.200 or later with a new or re-flashed Spyder with the latest firmware. You can use a TR71 or a TR75 with old Spyder firmware and with either the old or new tool, but you will be limited to TR70 functionality. Spyder Tool ≥ 5.200 Old Spyder Firmware TR70 TR71 TR75 Only TR70 Feature Set will be available, but the TR71 and TR75 WILL work if using a TR70 function block in this case.
Latest Spyder Firmware Compatibility Spyder Tool ≤ 5.200 Latest Spyder Firmware TR70 TR71 TR75 Tool does not recognize new Spyder, either downgrade Spyder firmware or upgrade the Spyder tool You cannot use a new Spyder with an old tool. The tool will not recognize the new Spyder. When using the new Spyder tool, you can either use a factory built Spyder with the newest firmware, or flash “forward” an old Spyder with the latest firmware using the Flash Tool. As mentioned in the last slide, if you have old Spyders and an old tool, you can use or replace existing TR70s with either the TR71 or TR75, and you will get TR70 functionality. Spyder Tool ≤ 5.200 Old Spyder Firmware TR70 TR71 TR75 Only TR70 Feature Set will be available, but the TR71 and TR75 WILL work with a TR70 function block in this case.
Spyder Tools that support re-flashed Spyders Compatibility This chart lists the previously diagramed scenarios Here is a helpful chart that restates the compatibility described in the previous two slides. Spyder Tools that support re-flashed Spyders 2.0.8 (not 2.0.5) 3.x, 4.x, 5.x