MidNite Solar’s Pre wired solutions for Off Grid, Battery based Grid tie and AC coupled. MidNite Solar
Ryan, Technical Support Manager XT151
Why Prewired? MidNite Solar *Easier to do a clean install *Quicker to install onsite *Less parts and pcs needed on site
Why Prewired? MidNite Solar
Why Prewired? MidNite Solar
Why Prewired? MidNite Solar
Why Prewired? MidNite Solar
Basic Epanel insides MidNite Solar
Dual Magnum prewired AC coupled
SMA Epanel MidNite Solar
Magnum Outdoor AC coupled MidNite Solar
What type of system do I need? *Off Grid. *Battery Based Grid Tie. *AC Coupled. All of MidNite Solar’s Pre Wired systems are fully customizable for your needs MidNite Solar
Off Grid MidNite Solar *Stand alone system *Will not sell back to the utility *Various inverters available for Off Grid (Some will do both) *120 or 120/240?
Grid Tie with Battery backup MidNite Solar *Sells to the grid *Runs critical loads during grid failure *Do you need 120vac or 120/240vac *Some models support generator input as well
AC Coupled MidNite Solar *Adds battery backup to a purely grid tie system. *Adds some complexity to the system. *Best suited for existing grid tie systems as an add on.
Outback FX series MidNite Solar *120 vac per single unit. *Either Grid tie or Off Grid not both. *Grid tie models (G series) does not play well with generators. *Smaller scale and expandable. *12,24 and 48VDC models available
Quad Off Grid Outback Prewired MidNite Solar
Outback Radian MidNite Solar *Grid tie or Offgrid. Supports both *120/240 in a single unit *Has 2 AC inputs (2nd for generator) *8,000 watts per unit, Stackable *48VDC model
Outback Radian MidNite Solar
Outback Radian MidNite Solar
Magnum Energy *120vac and 120/240vac models *various wattage inverters available *Stackable *Vented only *Off Grid only *12, 24 and 48VDC models MidNite Solar
*Grid tie or Off grid. Supports both *120/240 in a single unit *Has 2 AC inputs (2nd for generator) *4.5KW or 6KW units, Stackable *24 or 48VDC models MidNite Solar Xantrex XW
*Grid tie or Offgrid. Supports both *120VAC *Single input but we offer an automatic transfer switch for generator backup. *4.5KW or 6KW units, Stackable *48VDC MidNite Solar SMA Sunny Island
MidNite Solar SMA Sunny Island
MidNite Solar Why Pre Wired Combiners?
*Easier on site installation *MC4 style plugs *Fuses, Breakeres and disconnecting available *3R and 4X models *Powder coated Aluminum will not rust or turn to dust MidNite Solar Pre Wired Combiners
MidNite Solar Pre Wired Combiners
MidNite Solar Pre Wired Combiners
Ryan Stankevitz MidNite Solar XT 151 Questions?