Finding people finger command –finger Finger command generally works on local network It may not work on other networks. –You cannot finger from outside of –finger –l gives more information.
Finding Site Owners Whois command used to find who owns a site. 2-step process: –Type whois hostname to find whois server –Type whois –h (whois server name) hostname Eg: whois –Then whois –h
Whois 2 whois files differently – –Don’t put the www in front of the domain. Other country domains – -- United Kingdom – -- France General site for country-specific domains: –
Lynx Text-based browser –lynx Up-down arrows scroll among links Left = back, right = forward Enter = click on link Space = pagedown, - = pageup G = go to another site Q = quit
Lynx bookmarks Type a then d. That will save a bookmark. To use the bookmark, type v to view them and then select one.
Entry forms Let you enter data and send it to the server. Can be buttons, text, dropdowns, etc… Can cycle through form elements using tab. Can hit enter or click on a certain send button to send this data.
Searching Use search engines to find webpages Start searches simple. Make them more specific only as necessary. Search engines have programs that search the web for pages and data. Not all data is webpages –
Searching Type some keywords into the space given. The search engine will look for pages with those keywords Some require AND’s between words, some don’t (like google). The results will be displayed.
Displaying Search Results –Generally the results appear as a list of links. –There may be several pages of results. –There may be short excerpts from the document. –There may be a cache. –There may be options to download. –There may be other links or suggestions on the page.
Subject Indexes Example: Yahoo Hierarchical menus that let you find the subject you want. Eg, Tennis elbow : –Health->Diseases ->Sports ->Tennis Elbow Search by idea rather than by exact phrases.
Meta searches Metacrawler searches other search engines for your query It waits a few seconds, then displays the top results from each Can be useful since different search engines use different methods for finding and categorizing pages.